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"Linen and cotton fabrics, the finest silk... You should come to our shop and take a look, I'm pretty sure the ladies of your Court would adore them."

And I'm pretty sure they wouldn't... It's too cold in my kingdom to wander around dressed with fine cotton and ladies prefer thick velvet, wool and fur... and also chain mail, armours and leather, because most of them aren't just mannequins that embellish the palace rooms... they could tie up this fat merchant to a torture rack instead and skin him just for fun. But I don't tell him that and I just nod kindly; they guy smiles and walks away relieved, happy because he's managed to talk to me for two minutes and lived to tell about it, taking a fine silk handkerchief from the pocket of this tunic in order to wipe the sweat away. The majority of the attendants to this meeting don't want to be here actually, or talk to me, but the head of the City Council has ordered them to come tell me all about their goods: they're determined to sell me more things than I really need and I let them believe that I'm going to do it because that's my excuse to prolong negotiations. The atmosphere is tense and heat starts bothering me again despite the courtyard where we're gathered is beautiful, covered with white marble, the fountain in the middle provides a feeling of freshness and we're drinking white wine still cool because it's been brought here directly from the cellar. I decide to climb the stairs and seek refuge in the shade of the colonnade while the merchants draw straws to see who the next one daring to get closer and talking to me is going to be.

I made major advances two days ago: I managed to set foot on Iselen's backyard, talked to her and we shared some intimacies, she got relaxed sitting in front of me and seemed to forget that I'm a dark elf for a few minutes. There's quite a smart brain behind her pretty face, although not enough to notice my manipulations, but she's able to hold an intelligent conversation and even joke a bit. When the queen entrusted this mission to me, I was expecting to deal with a boring human female with mediocre skills but that's not the case, I can even learn some new tricks thanks to her knowledge about military strategy. I'm really happy with this turn of events... or I'd be happy if it weren't for Kevan: the wizard arrived the moment Iselen was lowering her guard, ruining the intimate atmosphere that I managed to achieve, and I had to say goodbye when I realized that they were going to have dinner together but I wasn't invited.

It's becoming increasingly obvious that he doesn't like me and my target despises him, but her hatred is mixed with fear and concern and I'd love to know why. I'd also love to know what kind of relationship she has with her maid... I'm almost certain that it was Rayen the one who warned Kevan about my presence in her garden. Is she Iselen's lover or the wizard's spy? I tried to find some answers yesterday but the adviser never walked in her garden and then I learnt by my own servants that Kevan and members of the Council kept her busy all day long designing a new aqueduct to bring water to one of the neighbourhoods: they're trying to keep her away from me deliberately but they won't succeed. I'll have to sneak into her house tonight with a good excuse, the sooner I earn her trust, the better... I just need to get closer to her and kiss her, touch her, she'll be lost the moment she melts in my hands. I lean my back on the cold marble wall behind me while thinking about my next movement.

Like if I summoned her with my mind, Iselen gets closer walking towards me with another woman: the soft yellow tunic she's wearing does nothing for her and makes stand out even more the gorgeous blue silk dress her companion is wearing, the low neckline leaves very little to the imagination and highlights the graceful neck and light brown hair of the unknown woman. She's a little older than my target but a pretty lady, no doubt, and she knows it... she moves confidently holding the adviser's arm, whispering in her ear and smiling when she notices that Iselen's cheeks are blushing. Damn! The maid may be in love with her mistress but I'm not sure that she's gained access to her bed yet, however this woman... yes, the way the move together, they way they touch each other, shows a special kind of closeness. It's pretty obvious for anyone with eyes on his face that these two have fucked together... the woman in the blue dress is my direct rival. She must die. My body muscles get tensed and my hand caresses absentmindedly the handle of the knife I hide on my waist under the doublet but keeping my jaw relaxed and a kind smile on my face, I can't do that here with all these witnesses. Iselen knows perfectly who I am and what I do, but I can't show her my violent side clearly, not yet...

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