Chapter Twenty Three: Good Vibes

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"Vibe is the realest
I know you feel it (yah)
It's a vibe (vibe)
Different vibe
This my vibe, nigga"
-2 chains "It's a vibe"

"Good morning beautiful how ya sleep?"

"Good morning & good thanks to you I really needed that bath & massage."

"Anytime baby"

Smiling I sat up & put my clothes on I needed to go pick up my babies from Alyssa. No Nico & I didn't have sex just a good time. Grabbing my phone I dialed Alyssa number she picked up on the third ring.


"Hey is the kids up I'm on my way to get them"

"Hey girl & Q just picked them all up ya wanna go grab breakfast?"

"Yes breakfast sounds good I'll be over in 20 minutes"

"Okay boo see ya soon"

Ending the call I got up & pulled my panties & leggings up.

"Am I gonna see ya later?" Nico asked

"I have a family thing later"

"Maybe I can slide thru?" He asked wiggling his eyebrow

I giggled & said

"Mm maybe I'll call you"

Nico came over kissed me & walked me to my car getting in I pulled off. Q & I was no longer an item we just co-parenting for our babies.

Karin Pov......
Warning ⚠️ Sexual Context
"Ooohhh myyy goooddddd" I moaned loudly

"Give me this pussy mommas" Don grunts as he pounded into me

Arching my back upwards I wrapped my legs around his waist

"I-I-I'm gonna cum"

"Cum on ya dick" he whispered in my ear

My stomach start to knot up & Don gripped my neck with on hand. He dug deeper into me as my juices covered his dick. Don dropped his head in the crook of my neck his strokes was getting sloppy so I knew he was about to cum.

"Fuck I'm about to bust"

I dug my nails into his back & sucked on his neck I felt his dick swell inside. I clenched my pussy walls around him & he groaned as his strokes slowed down. He released inside me & collapsed on the side of me panting.

"Damn mommas" he chuckled

Grabbing his dick I stroked it & Don leaned up a lil watching me.

"What ya trying to do mommas?"

"Ride you" I say smirking

"Shid come ride ya dick then"

Climbing on top I rocked a lil as I slid down I bit my lip while looking Don in the eyes.

"Don't tap out on me daddy"

He licked his lips & put his hands on my waist rocking forward I moaned out in pleasure.

Morgan Pov.....
Woke up because of two reasons my baby was sitting on my bladder & my sis getting her walls knocked down. Since I couldn't go back to sleep I was stuffing my face with some fruit. I'm trying to wait until everybody is up so we can eat breakfast.

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