Chapter Twenty: At Peace

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"Do I even have a choice when
I'm gonna have to pick my poison?
How you hurt me so good, it's so good
And even when you cause tears
You're the one to wipe them away
Maybe that's the reason I stay, I stay

But I, I'd rather fight
Than lose sleep at night
At least you're all mine
And if I have to choose
My heart or you
I'm gonna lose"

Singing along with H.E.R. while finishing breakfast I was in a great mood this morning. Last night Don spoiled me like when we first started dating before all our kids. I'm talking nice hot dinner, hot bubble bath, wine, full hot oil massage, a nice conversation, no sex just cuddling. We're getting better at communicating so that's a big start for us.

"Hi ma-ma" chubs said

"Hi my sweet baby you sleep good?"

"Mhm, I eat-eat"

Chuckling I kissed him & said

"I'll make you a plate sit down"

Grabbing some plates & cups out the cabinets & sat them on the table. I made chubs a plate sat it in front of him & went poured him some juice. Few minutes later Don came in the kitchen with Demi in his arms, & the rest of the kids behind him. Dj had spent the weekend with us so he was going back home today. I've grew attached to Dj & he grew attached to me, chubs & Dj are attached to the hip & I love it.

"Morning daddy" I smiled kissing Don & taking Demi

"Good morning mommas"

He came & grabbed the plates off the table & started to make the kids plates.

"Momma can we go see papa?" Pooh asked

"We can FaceTime him & see when we can go visit okay Pooh"

"Okay momma can I get some more French toast & chicken please?"

"Sure pooh give me your plate"

Taking her plate I put her another waffle & three more pieces of chicken on the plate. After giving her the plate back I sat down & uploaded the picture of the breakfast.

 After giving her the plate back I sat down & uploaded the picture of the breakfast

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@K.Rose: Always making sure Daddy @Don.Julio & our babies eat

Soon as I hit post Don took my phone outta my hand & said

"Eat some food mommas"

"I'm just gonna eat some fruit & feed Demi"

"I got Minnie ya get some food & I ain't talking just fruit."

Khalil Pov.....
"Daddy where is mommy I need help" Kalis pouted

"Mommy don't feel good, what ya need help with?"

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