Chapter Fourteen: Enough

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"Tired of giving my best
And not having it
Be good enough"
               - Jack Nicklaus

Rubbing my hands down my face I sighed, think I might actually lose my wife this time. A nigga came clean about possibly having another kid & she flipped out on a nigga. We got to physically fighting in front of the kids again big ass mistake. My own kids ain't even fucking with me right now. I'm staying at a hotel cause she put a nigga out tossed some of my shit. Right now, I'm sitting on the porch of where I used to lay my head with my wife.


"What the fuck" I say jumping up

"Boy don't ya raise up at me" Auntie V said

"She called ya?"

"Ya damn right lucky she ain't called my brotha ya wouldn't even be standing here."

"Auntie I fucked up I think I might lose her this time for real"

"I don't blame her Don. Ya cheated on her with multiple females, now ya got a three year old son ya claim ya didn't know about. That woman gives you everything ya want & more, but ya don't see that. She didn't want no more kids after Kashmir because of her health condition, but she risk it because you wanted more. She's tired & fed up y'all need some time apart to get it together."

"I'm nothing without her I can't lose her help me"

"You gonna have to figure this one out on ya own. I'm here to help my niece out, if ya don't wanna lose her you'll figure it out."

With that she went into the house & I stood there I don't think she knows if I lose Rin what that would do to me.

Khalil Pov.....
"You really think I wasn't gonna find out?"

"Look I ain't want ya worrying about me I'm supposed to be making sure ya good"

"And as ya wife that's what I'm supposed to do is make sure my husband is good. In sickness & health we both took those vows I got ya just like I know ya got me"

"Ya right Mo come here"

She walked over & stood in front of me I grabbed her waist & kissed her. She moaned into the kiss & I gripped her ass cheeks in my hands. As I was about to take her shirt off KJ as came running in the room.

"Mommy - ewww"

"Shut up lil nigga how ya think ya got here what ya want?" I huffed

"Food I'm hungry"

"Greedy ass always want food"

Mo hit my shoulders & said

"I'll be downstairs in a minute"

He smiled & ran out the room I sucked my teeth my dick was semi hard. I was trying to slide all up in my wife guts & make another baby.

"That's ya son"

"Oh now he's mine, I'll take care of this when I get them situated" she smirked

"Hurry up" I say smacking her ass

Mook Pov.....
Doctor with Cali she wasn't feeling this shit at all especially with them giving her three shots. Right now I was setting her next appointment which gone be in six months.

"Daddy I want steak" Cali sniffled in my chest

"Aight princess when we leave we can go get ya a steak"

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