Chapter Thirty: Rough Time

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"I'm sick of people
Telling me it's just a
Get over it situation
Fuck you. You don't know
What it's like in my head"

Having a rough morning I wasn't feeling too well & Ren was teething so she was fussy most of the night. Grabbing my phone off the dresser I called Lori she picked up on the third ring

"Hey best friend"

"Hey I need a favor"

"What's up?"

"I'm not feeling too good can you get ren & Sevy oh & Ren teething"

"I miss my babies & yea I'll get them we can have a girls day"

"Thank you so much I owe you one"

"Girl you don't owe me nothing I'll be over in 30 minutes"


Hang up the phone I tossed the covers off my body slipped my house shoes on & went in Sevy room. Sevy was up watching cartoons on her ipad.

"Sevy you're gonna spend the day with auntie Lori"

"Yay I miss tt lo"

"She misses you too get up & get washed up & dressed"


Walking out her room I went in Ren nursery she was up sucking on her fingers. I picked her up & went over to pick out an outfit after getting one I liked I went in my room & got her dressed. I took a picture of her & uploaded on Instagram.


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@Pretty.Ken: Serenity Rose 🌹 my youngest princess

Khalil Pov....
"I'm here to see my brotha Adonis Brewster" I say

She typed something on the computer & then said

"I'm sorry it says that Mr. Brewster isn't allowed any visitors at this time"

"What ya mean no visitors did something happen to my bro?"

"No his wife requested no visitors"

"His wife is my sista"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you see him"

Digging in my pocket I pulled my phone out & called Moo. She picked up on the last ring

"Demi please stop crying I miss ya daddy too hello?"

"Yo moo they said D can't have no visitors?"

"Yes boobie no visitors at least not right now" she sighed

Rubbing my hands down my face I said

"This shit eating at me man I gotta see bro he needs to know I'm here moo"

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