Chapter Thirty Six: Baby Shower Blues

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Not in the very best mood right now I'm irritable & cranky thanks to this child of mines. Emory had me puking my insides out & kicked the hell outta me all night. Two more months & she's getting evicted because I just can't take this no more. Emory is the last baby that I'm pushing outta me I'm getting my tubes sniped, clipped, & burnt.

"I'm not going" I cried out

"What's wrong mommas?"

"I can't put my shoes on"

"Aight mommas I got it stop crying" Don tried to console me

"And we hungry" I pouted

He chuckled put my sandals on got up & kissed my forehead. He helped me up rubbed my stomach & said

"Come on so I can feed my babies"

"You treat me so good I love you so much"

"I love ya too mommas"

Getting up I waddled down the stairs with Don behind me. I already knew today is gonna be a long one, but I was more than ready to see my family & friends.

"You got the kids ready?" I asked

"Yea I'm gonna take y'all to breakfast & drop you & the girls off at the shop to get y'all hair done. The boys & I are gonna get a hair cut then I'll be back to get y'all"

"Okay daddy" I say biting my lip

"Ya something else mommas" he laughed

Janelle Pov.....
Waiting on Lei & Dej I couldn't wait to see them it's been four months since we was each other. I miss us all being in the same city turning up.

"Nelle" Lei squealed

Screaming I ran over to both her & Dej hugging them right.

"Oh my god I missed y'all"

"We missed y'all too"

As we stood there talking for a minute an office came over & said

"Ma'am you can't be parked right here it's for pickup only"

"I'm picking up my two friends"

"Hurry up & get outta here or I'm gonna have to give you a ticket"

Sucking my teeth I popped my trunk helped with their bags we got in & I drove off. My best friend baby shower is about to be a whole celebration.

"So she don't know y'all was coming?"

"We told her we couldn't make it"

"Oh I bet she was crying"

"No, but you can tell she was sad"

"I think Ken, Khalil, Mo, & auntie v told her the same"

"They gone have my boo crying" Lei said

"You know she is, but gonna be surprised when she see y'all"

They agreed & I drove us back to my house they was gonna stay with me while they down here.

Hassan Pov.....
"You sure it's not yo baby nigga you buying hella stuff" my brotha teased

"Nigga shut your ass up" I laughed

"Shid I'm just saying keep this same energy when Lasha & I have our first kid"

"Got ya bro"

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