Chapter Thirty Three: Figuring things out

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"Never stop
Believing that
Fighting for
What's right is
Worth it"
    -Hillary Clinton

"Girl ya man is downstairs & he is pissed" Tori said

"I bet Marc told him I was over here"

"You know he did" she laughed

"I'm sick of both their asses"

As I tossed the covers off my body Don came in the room. He had his famous mug on his face Tori got up & said.

"I'm going downstairs try not to make too much noise" she snickered

Sticking the middle finger up at her she left out & closed the room door. I honestly didn't want to deal with Don right now I just want my space.

"Ya really wasn't gone tell me about ya being pregnant?" He asked

"No Adonis I wasn't"

"Why the fuck not that's my child too ya foul asf for this shit"

"You want to know why I didn't tell you"

"Ain't that what I just asked ya"

Rolling my eyes I said

"Because I don't need you blaming me for losing another one of our babies"

The mug he had on his face soften & he came sat next to me.

"Fuck, I didn't mean to say that shit to ya I was just angry mommas ion blame ya for losing our baby"

"It's cool, just give me my space that's all I ask"

"Hell nah ya ain't been home in three days I miss ya mommas"

"Adonis I don't ask for much just give me some time"

He sighed & said

"Man I ain't feeling this shit, but I'll give ya the space"

He got up & walked to the door he turned around & said

"I love ya mommas"

"I love you too Don, I'll be over to take the kids out"


He left out the room & shut the door back did I feel bad for wanting space. No because I honestly did need some space I felt suffocated. Grabbing my phone I booked me a suite for the next four nights at the four seasons.

Janelle Pov.....
"What you think about the house?" I asked my sister

"I love it especially the pool outside"

"This our new house" I say


"Yea I bought it two months ago it wasn't finished"

"I love it can't wait to decorate"

"Me either I want to start today so it would be done by the time Elias bring Kyla back from Atlanta"

"Cool we can paint her room first" Tay said

"You read my mind"

"Do Rin know you in Houston?"

"No I'll call her so we can meet up later"

"Okay, & I just want you to know I'm so proud of you & I appreciate everything that you do. You sacrificed so much for me when momma & daddy died. I couldn't have asked for a better sister I love you"

A few tears dropped because I truly did sacrifice damn near everything to make sure she was good. I'm literally all she has & as her big sister I'm gonna carry those duties I'm supposed to.

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