Chapter Thirty Five: Daddy's Home

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"I just wanna get your attention
I really wanna be all up in your head
Cause when I got you're gonna wanna get some yeah
But girl that's only if you ain't scared"
          -Usher "Daddy's Home

"With the baby coming in two months I think it's best if you move back home"

"Ya sure that's what ya want?"

"Yes I don't want to be inconsiderate by having you back & forth"

"Preciate that mommas"

"And whatever we got going on we can figure it out"

"Aight, I gotta tell ya something tho"

"Adonis if you went did what I think you did then please just spare me & leave now"

"Nah it ain't shit like that, but it's fucked up that  ya think I'd do it again"

"Can you blame me?" She mugged

Dropping my head I chuckled she did have a point, but I wasn't even on that type of time.

"Nah I can't, but look my brotha wanna met ya & the kids"

"You have a brotha?"

Rubbing my hands down my face I said

"Yea I never talked about him cause he dipped on me after our parents died."

"I'm sorry"

"It's all good mommas"

"Invite your brotha over so he can meet his nieces & nephews"

"For real mommas ya wanna met my brotha?" I asked shocked

"He's family"

"Aight, I'll fire up the grill after I move my shit back in the house"

"I'll call Cyn & see if she can help me with the sides & dessert."

"Aight mommas"

Kennedi Pov......
"Damn you must love me boo" Nico said

"I wouldn't say all that" I giggled

He pulled me down on his lap & kissed my neck making me blush. This feeling Nico gives me is something different & I love it. He adores & respect me & my daughters another thing I like about him.

"You ain't gotta say it I know what's up"

"Long as you know" I say leaning down kissing his lips

"I'm taking you out"

"Where we going?" I asked

"Wherever you wanna go whatever you wanna do on me"

"Houston don't sound too bad I miss my sisters"

"Go pack I'll take care of the flight"

"Seriously you going to fly me out to see my sisters?"

"I told you anything you want I'll do for you"

Hugging him I kissed him passionately & got up to pack my stuff. As I started packing my phone rung it was my auntie.

Tori Pov.....

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