Chapter 52: Happy New Years

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Having a big family means traditions & I just love seeing the smiles on my kids faces. I love being around my family & close friends. Speaking of traditions I'm currently at Walmart picking up snacks for the kids party tonight. Since Don & I are hosting a New Year's Eve party at the longe my daddy & cyn volunteered to keep all the kids. I'm so grateful that my dad is in the kids life as well as Cyn.

"Oouu mommy can I get some slime?" Pooh asked

"Didn't your daddy just buy you some slime?"

"Yes, but mommy l I don't have this one it glow in the dark & it has glitter"

"Girl I'm so tired of you & this damn slime" I huffed

"Please mommy"

"Put it in the basket & don't ask for nothing else"

"Thank you mommy"

"Mhm, Aires what snacks you want?"

"Umm m&ms, ice cream, & worms"

"Okay come on y'all two"

I was only supposed to bring Saint & Sarai with me, but Aires & Pooh was the only ones up when I left. Thank god because I most definitely would have left Walmart with more than intended.

"I want shiken nuggets too mommy"

"And some honey bbq wings"

"Y'all greedy like y'all damn daddy" I chuckled

Kennedi Pov....
"You let this nigga get you pregnant?"

"Me being pregnant has nothing to do with you. Your only only concern is Sevyn & Serenity"

"You was supposed to only carry my babies not nobody's else"

"And you wasn't supposed to entertain these bitches but yet you did"

Q had grabbed me & smacked me making me fall to the hard wood floor.

"I'm tired of you being  disrespectful you lucky I don't kill that gay ass nigga. I told you if I can't have you nobody else will"

"You're a sick bastard" I yelled

He kicked me in my side hard ass hell making me ball up in fetal position, but not before he sent a hard kick my stomach. Then he started to send blow after blow to my body.

"Daddy stop it you hurting mommy" Sevy screamed crying

Flash back over

Silently cried as I put my hand on my now flat stomach. He killed my baby I didn't even get a chance to hold my baby boy in my arms. I didn't get a chance to look my son in his eyes & tell him how much I love him.

"Ken baby I'm so sorry this happened I'm here for you whatever you need." Lori said

"Can you call Nico?" I sniffled

"Yea I'll let him know what happened get some rest"

"Thank you" I say in a whisper

Khalil Pov.....
"I-I-I'm sorry I didn't have nobody else to call or nowhere to go" she stuttered

"It's all good talk to me what's wrong?"

"I-I-I rather not can you just hold me"

"Yea I can do that"

Kissing her forehead I wrapped my arms around her & we sat there in silence. Whatever it was she didn't wanna talk about I know she hurt about it. I wasn't gonna push her to talk if she didn't want to right now.

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