Chapter Ten:

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Pulling my hair up in a pony tail I then rubbed my bulging stomach. Yup surprise I'm pregnant with my 5th child am I excited yes. I'm secretly hoping for a healthy full term baby girl lord knows I can't lose another baby. I've had three miscarriages & all of them was girls a type of pain that I'm hoping I don't have to live thru again. I'm scared, but I just want to be able to give my husband as many children he wants. Nobody knows I'm pregnant besides my husband we wanna keep this under wraps for now just until I'm further along.

"Ma-ma I three" chubs says running in the room

"Yes ya are baby boy happy birthday I love ya so much" I say bending down kissing his cheek

"Tank ya Wuv ya too I wanna eat now" he says sweetly

"Ya welcome baby, tell ya daddy to get ya dress & we can go to breakfast"


He took off running out the room & I just smiled my children are my biggest blessings. Grabbing my phone I went in the closet to grab me a sweater. While standing there I posted a picture with a lil caption for my baby.


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@K.Rose: Happy 3rd birthday to my sweet baby boy Chubs. Mommy loves ya 💙

After posting I grabbed my black sweater & put it on Don & I are treating Chubs to whatever he wants while the others at school. Then we gonna have a small little dinner & Saturday is my baby safari party.

Khalil Pov.....
"Daddy I don't feel good" my daughta said

"What's wrong princess?"

"My tummy hurts"

Picking her up I felt her forehead & she was burning up.

"Ya gotta fever I'm gonna give ya some medicine to make ya feel better okay"

She nodded her head then threw up all on my shirt she looked at me & burst out crying.

"Sorry daddy" she said threw tears

"It's aight daddy gonna clean ya up & then let ya lay down"

Just as I was stepping over the lil vomit that hit the floor mo came in with Jr behind him.

"Ewww" KJ said

"Daddy tell him stop" Kalis whined

"Junior go watch tv & leave ya sista alone"

"But I dirsty"

"Ya gone have to wait go watch cartoons KJ" mo said

He huffed & left out the kitchen

"Mommy I no feel good" Kalis cried

"It's okay baby mommy gone take care of ya"

"I got it mo just get jr together"

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