Chapter Forty Two: Kennedi Dark Truth (FlashBack)

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"All I want to do
Right now is cry &
Scream & let it out
All because it's
Killing me inside"

"What no Jeremiah, you're both drunk y'all need to leave"

"We ain't going no where we going to have some fun" Ben slurred

"Get out before I call the cops"

Jeremiah pushed me against the wall grabbed my neck & said

"You call the cops & your dead"

He started to rip my clothes off & I tried to scream & fight him off, but it was no use. He tossed me towards the bed making me trip backwards.

"I want a go first" Ben spoke

"This my bitch I go first"

The next 30 minutes I was being taken advantage of I didn't want any of this. They left me there naked I was completely out of it. I heard the foot steps coming towards my room I thought they was coming back for more.

"Oh my god who did this to you?"

I said the names in my head, but never out loud I didn't want to die. So I kept my mouth shut the next thing I know is I was taken into the bathroom & was ran a bath. Ava was the one who found me she took care of me until I told her.

"Ava you have to leave please I don't want you to get hurt"

"I'm not leaving you"

"Just give me my phone so I can call my brotha"

She nodded her head & went got my phone when she came back I asked her to give me the pills out the cabinet & told her to leave I'd be okay. When she was gone I opened the pill bottle & popped six in my mouth & called my brotha.

Khalil I-I-I n-need you" I sniffled

"What's wrong?"

"H-h-he t-t-tried to rape me"

"Where ya at I'm on the way?"

"My apartment"

"Be there in ten"

Ending the call I dropped my phone on the floor & slowly slid under the water. I wanted to die so I wouldn't have to ever look Jeremiah & Ben in the face again. I wanted to die so the pain would go away for good. I just wanted to die & that's what I was gonna do DIE.!

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