Chapter Seventeen: Karin FlashBack

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"If you didn't ask then he wouldn't tell
But the truth is you going through hell
But you hide it so well
You tug on his sleeve
You beg and you plead
Anything so that he won't leave"
         -Jahiem "Lonely"

How could you sleep next to a person every night & not know they're hurting? How could not see all the pain & exhaustion in their eyes? Why aren't you paying attention to the signs that's there? These are the questions that ponder in my mind. These are the questions that I desperately need answers to.

"Mrs. Brewster you & baby will be discharged later this afternoon. I would like to talk to you"

"Okay & talk to me about what?"

"If you decide to have anymore children in the future there's a high chance that you or the baby wouldn't make it."

I was silent trying to process what the doctor just said to me. I hope she was lying because Don wants more children he said at least six eight at the most. As a wife I want to keep my husband happy & if he want more kids who am I to deny him.

"Mrs. Brewster I hope I didn't scare you"

"No, not at all" I half lied

"Okay you & baby get some rest congratulations again"

"Thank you"

She walked out I sighed & closed my eyes.

"Don where are you I could use some help with the kids" I say

"I'm handling something I'll be home later"

Sighing I just hung up the phone I wasn't the only one who wanted another baby. He promised to be here & help me Jax nor Pooh was feeling good. I'm stressed out because he's not helping me like he said. I dialed my best friend & she answered the phone.

"Hey boo what's up?"

"You busy I'm so stressed out"

"Just got off what you need?"

I explained to that Jax & Pooh was sick & they needed some medicine, soup, & juice. She said she'll be over after she go to the store. Hanging up with her I went checked on the kids Duda was crying it was his feeding time. Pooh was crying l went in her room & she had threw up all on her sheets.

"It's okay Pooh I'm gonna give you a nice hot bath okay"

She nodded & I left out so I could run her a bath I wanted to break down. This is just too much for me to do by myself. I don't know if I wanna give Don anymore kids if it's going to be like this. Somebody was knocking on the door I got up & went downstairs to see who it was. Opening the door it was my auntie I was relieved. I hugged her & said

"I'm stressed out I need help Jax & Pooh sick & Kash is crying"

"Calm down Ri I'll help you go get Kash & I'll take care of the other two"

"Thank you so much auntie"

After my auntie left Don finally decided to come back home. Attitude yes I had one because he had me all the way fucked up.

"Mommas" Don whispered as the bed dipped down

"What Adonis I'm tired"

"Can ya do that thing with ya mouth I like"

I turned & looked at him like he was stupid & said

"I know ya ain't serious"

"Yea mommas my dick hard"

Laughing I said

"It's lotion on the dresser & don't use my good lotion"

After I said that I got up & went laid in bed with Kai even if I wasn't tired i still wouldn't help him out. He left me here with two sick kids & a newborn.

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