Chapter Five: Distant

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"Distance gives us
A reason
To love harder"

"What about your wife?"

"I ain't trying to talk about ha I'm trying to fuck"

"Mm okay papi I can help you relieve all that stress"

"Stop talking & take that shit off"

She removed every piece of clothing that she was wearing & bent over the bed. He got up dropped his pants & underwear down to his ankles & rammed himself inside the woman who wasn't his wife.

"Bad dream?"

"Yea" I mumbled

"Wanna talk about it?"

Ignoring him & getting mad at the whole reason I had the dream in the first place I got up & left out the room. I know it was just a dream, but he actually did go out & cheat on me. I just can't get the image of him touching some other woman besides me outta my head.

"Mommy I hungry" Duda says coming out his room

"Duda man come on let's go make breakfast"

"Okay mommy"

Bending down I picked him up ran my fingers through his curls. I kissed his cheeks I love all my kids, but I love my boys.

"Are ya gonna be good in school today?"

He nodded his head

"Use ya words Duda"

"Yes mommy"

Smiling I kissed his cheek again & headed downstairs. I had about an hour before it was time for me to get the other one's up.

Kennedi Pov.....
Flushing the toilet I got up & washed my face I've been having morning sickness the past couple days. Seems like I was a lil further than the doctor expected. I'm actually excited to tell Q about us having another baby. I just feel bad because my sista just lost her baby & here I am pregnant. Once I was done in the bathroom I walked out & sat on the bed. Grabbing my phone I sent a message to Lori & Ava asking if they could meet up for breakfast. After sending the text I went got dressed for the day. As I tied my shoes I heard sevy & Q voice.

"Morning baby" Q say leaning to kiss me

"Morning babe"

"No kissing my daddy" sevy huffed

Laughing I pulled her towards me & I kissed all over her face & she giggled.

"Okay mommy you can kiss my daddy"

"I was gonna kiss on him anyway" I teased

"Daddy can we get food before I go to school?" Sevy asked

"Yea we can go to Waffle House go grab ya bag so we can leave now"

Khalil Pov.....
"But daddy I want candy" Kalis pouted

"And I told ya it's too early for candy"

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