Chapter Twenty Seven: The Next Day

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Emotional because today marks four years since my brotha was gunned down. I promised myself that I was gonna be okay, but each year gets harder. The fact I have to go another year with no justice for my brotha.

"This day still feels like a nightmare for me I'll never understand why you. I promise myself since the day you was taken away from me I'll get justice. I'm gonna make them remember your name, I'm gonna make them feel the same pain that I've been feeling the last four years. I love you so much Tamar keep watching over me."

Wiping my face I got up dusted my sweats off & went got in my car. I didn't pull off I sat there & called Marc I didn't want to be alone. He picked up on the third ring


"I need you" I sniffled

"Where ya at boo?"

"The cemetery"

"Aight pull up I'm here"


Ending the call, I drove off it's not that I didn't want to be alone I couldn't. I didn't trust myself especially after what the first time. I almost took my life just to be with my brotha he was all I had left. Rin saved my life literally when she came to Houston I consider her my family. I love & appreciate her so much.

Morgan Pov.....
"No I'm okay just ready to go home"

"You pressure is down a little so maybe later on today you'll be discharged"

"Good" I sighed

"Do you need anything?"

"A cup of ice & some apple juice"

"Okay, I'll be right back"

She left out the room & I shifted in the bed Khalil went to go home & shower. I know he sick of me & my emotional ass because I'm sick of me too. This is the last time getting pregnant I will be getting my tubes tied. Couple minutes later my nurse came back with the apple juice & ice

"Thank you"

"You welcome let me know if you need anything else"

"Just to get outta here, I won't be needing anything thank you"

"You welcome"

She left out & I tried to get comfortable so I could go back to sleep. I was a little hungry, but decided I'll be okay I didn't want to bother nobody. As I shut my eyes my phone rung I sighed & answered it.


"What ya want to eat?" Khalil asked


He sighed & said

"I know ya not still mad for yelling at ya"

"No" I half lied

"Man whatever I'm on my way up there that little attitude better be gone"

With that he hung up on me & I rolled my eyes because come get me together papi.

Karin Pov.....
Going over to Tori station I hugged her. I know she needed it today is the day she lost her brotha.

"Don't come over here being all lovey" she teased

"Girl shut up & take all my loving"

We both bust out laughing & then sat down in the chair. Well I sat all this ass on her lap & laid on her I'm gonna do whatever to keep her spirits up today. As I laid on her she pointed out to me that some brown skin chick was staring at me.

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