Chapter 51: Merry Christmas

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"Have a holly jolly Christmas
It's the best time of the year
Now I don't know if there'll be snow
But have a cup of cheer"
-Michael Buble "Holly Jolly Christmas"

"Daddy get up" Kalis pouted

"Kalis Amira leave your daddy alone let him rest" Mo said

"She good Mo I was about to get up anyway" I say

Tossing the covers back I got up & swung my legs off the bed. It's been two weeks since I had my tumor removed & Mo been treating a nigga like he handicap. This not being able to handle my business for the next six weeks is killing a nigga.

"Come on Lis let's go wake yo brother up so we can open up some presents."

"Yay, but daddy do you head hurt" she asked

Picking her up I kissed her cheeks & said

"Only a lil bit, but daddy is alright"

"You promise?"

"Yea I promise Lis"

"I love you daddy a lot"

Chuckling I said

"I love you a whole lot too"

Going into Jr room this lil nigga was knocked out leg hanging off the bed & mouth open. My boy was tired like he just worked a double shift.

"Bubbie get up" Lis said

He stirred around in his sleep before I shook his lil body he rubbed his eyes & then mugged me.

"Daddy I sleepy" he huffed

"You don't want to open yo presents Santa left?"

"I do daddy"

"Get up then bubbie" Lis said

Janelle Pov......
The holidays reminds me of how much I miss my parents. Even tho my mother & I didn't really see eye we made it work for Kyla. The joy they both brought Kyla when we was all together was heart warming. I'd give anything to have both my parents alive & well.

"There you are what you doing out here?"

"Just reminiscing"

"About what?"

"About my parents the holidays always reminds me of them & how much fun we used to have."

"Aww boo I'm sorry"

"It's okay, is Ky up?"

"She been up & waiting on you"

"Oh okay, well let's open some gifts then"

Wiping my face I got up & went in the house & went joined Tay & Kyla in the living room.

"Mommy come on" Ky said grabbing my hand

"Okay princess" I laughed

I was a little excited because I haven't told anybody about me being pregnant. When I went to the doctor two weeks ago my obgyn confirmed that I was indeed pregnant. I came home & told Hassan that it was just my cycle changing he believed me. Apart of me felt bad for lying, but apart of me was happy because he was going to be a dad.

"Is this mines mommy?" Kyla asked

"Yes Ky that's your gift"

Adonis Pov......
"Damn mommas I thought we wasn't getting each other gifts"

"We wasn't, but I know this your first Christmas without maw-maw & wanted to do something special for you"

"This shit dope as hell thank you mommas"

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