Chapter Twenty Five: Flash Back

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My body violently shook as I released my juices on her tongue & lips. She got up gripped my neck & kissed my first set of lips.

"Mmm" I moaned loudly

Pulling away she looked at me smirked & said

"Pussy still sweet like I remember"

Taj got up & went in the bathroom while I collectively got myself together. Few minutes laying there I got up & sat up on the side of the bed.

"We can't do this anymore" I say

"You the one called me" she say coming out with a rag

"Yea to tell you that this thing is over you seduced me"

"Ya didn't stop me either"

Standing up I tried to snatched the rag outta her hand, but failed. She cornered me & made me spread my legs so she could clean me up. Moaning lowly as the hot rag touched my sensitive spot she just smirked as if she was won.

"I'm gonna come clean with my husband about this, but I'll keep ya name outta it"

"Aight ya do that lil baby"

After she cleaned me up I went slipped on my leggings & slides. Grabbing my phone & keys I  headed out to my truck. Hitting the locks I climbed up in put my phone in the cup holder as well as my keys. Hitting the button to start I put my seat belt on & drove off.

"Hey Lando is it ready yet?"

"Hey pretty lady & not yet 10 more minutes"


Walking out the restaurant I hit the locks on my truck & got in. Grabbing my phone out the cup holder I see that Don was blowing my phone up. I sighed & FaceTimed him back he picked up on the third ring.

"Wassup mommas?"

"What ya want?"

"Damn this what we on?"

Rolling my eyes I said

"What is it that ya need?"

"Shits gone get stuck & we gotta talk"

Sighing I got out my truck & went to get my food

"Yea I know we do & we will"

"Aight, & where ya at?"

"Getting food"

"Bring me something mommas"

Ignoring him for a minute I dug in my pocket & gave Lando the money for my food.

"Thank you Lando"

"You welcome pretty lady see ya next time"

Grabbing the bag I walked out & got back in truck I sat the bag on the passenger side.

"Okay, I'll see you in a minute"

Ending the call, I put the phone in the cup holder & drove off.

Later that night....
"It was four different bitches mommas" he sighed

Shaking my head, I was about to get up but he pulled me & said

"Don't do that shit mommas I'm trying to keep it a buck with ya"

Snatching my arm away I said

"While you was out fucking different bitches I was letting one eat this pussy"

He jumped up & choked me saying

"Stop playing with me"

"We're keeping it a buck right?"

"Yo ya foul asf for that Rin"

"Oh I'm foul, but you can stick ya dick in different bitches"

Pushing him off me I went on the other side of the room & slid down the wall. I put my head in between my legs so I could breath.

"Mommas I fucked up aight"

"So did I Adonis I fucked up by letting you in I fucked up by letting my guard down" I cried breathing heavy

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