Chapter Thirty Two: Two weeks later

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"A lion is called
King of beasts
Obviously for
A reason"
-Jack Hanna

"Ion need ya worried about me mommas I'm good"

"This the 4th nightmare since you came home, you almost shot me because you're paranoid. Don you're not okay you need help"

"I'm good" he snapped

Getting up I grabbed my phone & went in the bathroom locking the door. Unlocking my phone I called the one person I know could talk some sense into him.

"Hey Rin sweetheart"

"Hey maw-maw are you busy?" I sniffled

"No what's wrong?"

"I need to talk to you about Don"

"He put his hands on you?"

"No ma'am, but Don keep having these nightmares, he almost shot me because he's paranoid. He needs help & I know he'll listen to you can you call & talk to him?"

"Yea I'll talk to him for ya"

"Thank you maw-maw, besides that how have you been?"

"I'm good sweetheart, how are you?"

Sighing I said

"I'm hanging in here Maw-Maw"

We talked some more then I ended the call & got in the shower. Letting the water hit my body I let my silent tears fall out my eyes. Don haven't been himself since he was shot, he's been really paranoid. One night I was coming home late from the shop & he pulled his gun out on me. I just hate that he's going through this because this isn't the man I love or married. Twenty more minutes I got out the shower did my facial hygiene. My schedule is gonna be busy since the kids was gone with my dad & Cyn. They had bought a house down here & I didn't even know it. Breaking my thoughts was my phone going off.

Kennedi Pov....
"Court for full custody are you fuckin serious Q all this for what! I never kept Sevyn or Serenity from you" I yelled

"Yea I'm serious I don't want my kids around no random ass nigga"

"I'd never have just anybody around my daughta's Nico knows about the girls, but never met them. Q why are you doing this?"

"I said what I said Ken I'll see ya in court"

With that he hung up I threw my phone making it shatter into pieces. I never known Q to be so spiteful I'd never put my daughta's in harms way. I pulled my knees to my chest & started crying I can't lose my babies.

"Mommy why you crying?" Sevy asked me

"I'm okay Sevy"

She came over wiped my face, kissed my cheek & said.

"Pretty girls don't cry"

Hugging my daughter I kissed her forehead & said

"I love ya so much Sevy always remember that okay baby"

"Okay mommy I love you too, can we see Melody I miss her" she pouted

"Yea we can have a girls day"

"Ice cream & the park?"

"And breakfast"


Lightly laughing I got up so we could get our day started.

Morgan Pov.....
"Kj come on so I can tie your shoes"

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