Chapter Forty Seven: Two weeks later

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"How many months?"

"Huh auntie what you talking about?"

"Girl you not fooling me"

"Only two months & I'm stressed out"

"What you stressed out about?"

"I wanted another baby, but not right now Serenity just turned one & I'm swamped with trying to open my business & doing the online boutique" I sighed

"Listen to me Ken, I told your sister the same thing I'm about to tell you. You have a good support system don't be afraid to ask for help. I can watch the girls while you get everything taken care of for your business"

"Thank you so much auntie I just don't want to turn out like my mom"

"You're nothing like your mom I can tell you that much. Anyway, have you told Nico?"

"Not yet I know he's gonna be excited because that's all he been talking about."

"Well I suggest you don't have him waiting too long"

"I'm not I'll tell him tonight"

"Good now come sit down & get a plate before you go"

Janelle POV.....
"Hey Good morning Rayia did the photos from the shoot come back yet?"

"Good morning boss & not yet they should be in later this afternoon. Speaking of don't forget that you have an interview with a Zuri Welch"

"Yes & a meeting with Gavin Peru"

"Yes ma'am"

"Okay I'll be in my office if you need me"


Walking into my office I put my things down & sat at my desk. It feels good to be back behind this thing because I've been working from home. As I got myself situated my cellphone went off grabbing it out my purse I looked at the message.

From: Bestie Rin 🤞🏽🔐
Thank you I love you ❤️

To: Bestie Rin 🤞🏽🔐
I love you too

After replying I sat my phone on my desk & opened my laptop. Think I'm gonna plan a girls weekend for my bestie & I she truly needs it. Yup that's what I'm gonna do let me get to planning.

Khalil POV....
"What's up Tony you good?"

"This job kicking my ass, but I can't complain"

"Told you come work for me I'll get you together"

"What kind of work?"

"Security at my establishment"

"Could I check out the scene first?"

"Tell you what stop by tonight check it out & let me know if you want the position"

"Alright fair enough I'll catch you tonight"


Dapping him up he finished bringing the last of my shipment in I signed off & he left.

"Boss man, heard we gonna have a full house tonight?"

"Yea got a few events going on so you know I need all my best staff."

"Fasho I'll take care of that"

"Appreciate that if you need me I'm gonna be in my office."

Nodding his head I went in my office & called my sis in law to check up on my son.

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