Chapter Twenty One: Saying Goodbye

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"It's been a long day without you, my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again"
-Wiz Khalifa "See you again"

Breaking News:

"Twenty Two year old Ava Banks body was found in her home late Tuesday morning Along with boyfriend Ace Norris. Police says it looks like Banks & Norris gotten into an argument that turned physical. If you have any more information please contact Atlanta police."

Staring blankly at the tv as the news went off my body started shaking. I was in disbelief my best friend couldn't been dead. I've been looking for weeks & the news saying she dead this couldn't be true. I desperately needed her to be okay.

FlashBack Over

Breaking my thoughts was my phone ringing


"Hey Ken ya need anything?" My auntie asked

"Just my best friend back" I started to sniffled

"I'm so sorry Ken I'll come over & help with getting the kids ready"

"Thank you auntie"

We wrapped the conversation up & I sat the phone on the bed. I just sat there this really couldn't be life right now.

"Kennedi why aren't you playing with the other students?" The teacher asked

"They said I couldn't play" I pouted

"That's not nice we going to fix that"

"No I play by myself"

"You sure?"


The teacher left me I sat down crossed my legs after grabbing a puzzle. I poured all the pieces on the floor & started to put it together.

"Hi you pretty I'm Ava" the girl smiled

"Thank you, I'm Kennedi"

"Can I help you" she asked pointing to the puzzle"

Flashback Over

"I can't do this why you do this to me?" I sobbed throwing the remote into the wall

Khalil Pov.....
"How ya feeling boo?"

"I'm ready to get out of here I have things to do"

"Ya not gonna be doing nothing because doc put ya on bed rest"

"I'm not handicap & I have to get started on my building"

"And I know that, but we gotta think about the baby & ya health"

She sighed & I kissed her forehead my phone started ringing & I got up to answer it.

"Yo who this?"

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