Chapter Sixteen: The Sit Down

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"We hurt, so can we keep it real
I wanna know everything (Everything)
So girl tell me everything
I ain't really tripping
But I gotta know what's going on?
We had a home together
He said it would last forever
And no matter what, no one would ever break us up
No, ooh"
    -Woman To Woman "Keyshia Cole"

"Hi, I'm Zomora but you can call me Zo I want to apologize to you about everything. I never meant to come between you & Adonis marriage I would have continued to raise my son on my own if I wasn't sick. I don't regret my son only thing I regret is not telling Don about Dj sooner. I just want my son to have the best life possible when I'm gone. I know that his dad wouldn't turn his back on him. Again I want you to know that I never meant any of this trouble that I caused." Zo spoke whole heartedly

"Was I upset about the situation yes & I'm still hurt about it, but right now it's not about me, you, or even Don. It's about making sure Dj knows he's going to loved & cared for when you're gone. Thank you for apologizing & I just want you to know I'm going to love & protect Dj just like I protect my other five children. He's apart of our family now & I promise you aside from Don & I problems our children is our main priority Dj included."

Zo started to cry & I got up & went hugged her no I didn't pitty her. I actually applaud her because raising a child on your own is hard, but raising a kid & being sick is even harder.

"I-I-I'm so sorry for crying" she chuckled lightly wiping her eyes

"It's okay I can't relate on what you going through, but I can relate to being a mother & we do everything to benefit ours."

"Thank you just by talking to you I know that I don't have to worry about Dj being mistreated. So thank you for accepting my son"

"You don't have to thank you I'm a mother too so I understand why you did what you did. Do I agree that you kept Dj a secret from his father I don't. But trust me I got him as one of mines. If it's okay with you I would like to invite you & Dj over this weekend."

"I'd like that a lot" Zo smiled

We ordered breakfast, exchanged numbers, & even talked about her & Don relationship before me & before she had Dj.

Kennedi Pov.....
Tickling Ren stomach she just giggled my baby is such a happy baby. I scheduled us a mommy & me class later for this afternoon since I took the day off. Once Sevy gets out of school we're gonna go see Alyssa & Qj. It's been awhile, I miss them, & I know Aly wants to see Ren. Grabbing my phone I took a picture of Ren & then Sevy came in the room asking me to take her picture.

"You so pretty Sevy"

"Thank ya mommy" she cheesed

"Ya welcome go get your things so we can"

"Okay mommy"

She took off running & I just smiled & uploaded the pictures of my girls.

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