Chapter Three: Put to the test

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"Life has many ways of testing
A persons will, either by having
Nothing happen at all or
Having everything happen
All at once"
-Paulo Coelho

Wiping the tears off my nephew face I felt so bad for him. My nephew was a true definition of a mommas boy it's been  three weeks that Rin been in a coma. We are all going thru it but Don is taking it the hardest he doesn't eat or sleep. Said he'll sleep when my sista comes home & I know he hurting because I heard him crying a couple times.

"Ma-ma home now?" Chubs asked

"No not yet she will be soon"

I wrapped my arms around him & ran my hand thru his curls. I don't like seeing my nephew like this or anybody for that matter.


"Come on chubs tt will make ya some breakfast"

Unwrapping my arms from Chubs he got up climbed off the bed & walked out the room. Few minutes later I got up & made my way downstairs to make breakfast. The whole family pretty much flew to Houston to help out. Khalil, mo, auntie v, daddy, & Nelle. Renzo & Paige was coming sometime this week with Lei to help out. My sista has one hell of support system.

Janelle Pov....
"Best friend I just lost my daddy I don't wanna lose ya too. You mean the world to me I appreciate ya & everything ya do. Ky needs her god mommy we all need & miss ya this is hard on all of us especially patchy. He haven't ate or slept since this happened he's been crying & even blaming himself for ya being like this. I know y'all going thru it, but that man truly loves ya I've never seen him like that. He try to have himself together fa the kids, but he's falling apart. I love ya so much best friend we all waiting on ya to get up & come home."

Kissing her forehead I got up & wipe my face tears had fallen & I didn't even notice. Karin has always been there for me when we grew up she's so loving, caring, & sweet. That's why I just don't understand why this is happening to her. As I left out the room I bumped into Khalil he was gonna sit with rin while I go make sure all the kids was okay & go pick up Mook.

"Still no change"

"Moo gotta get up soon man I don't like seeing her in here like this"

"None of us do K"

"My boy fucked up over this shit"

"I know I heard him crying the other night & blaming himself" I sighed

We talked some more before I left to the airport to get Mook. Hopefully if she hears his voice she'll try & wake up for us hell or even if she hears my god babies voices she'll get up. Even Kai taking this hard she keeps asking if she did something wrong that is just heart breaking.

Korey Pov....
"How she doing any change?"

"Nah no changes we just waiting on her to wake up"

"She will babe give her some time"

Sighing I wasn't trying to hear that I wanted my daughta to be up & home where she belongs.

"Yea I hear Cyn"

We talked some more before I told her I'd call her lata on if anything changes. Soon as I ended my call my grandson came & tapped my legs.

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