Chapter Thirty: The Talk

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"Your words mean nothing
When your actions
Are the complete opposite"

Biting my lip as I tried to hold back the water works that was about to start. I had to tell my babies that their daddy & I are is taking some time apart. That's gonna break my babies heart especially Pooh & Jax.

"Mommy we was watching that" The kids pouted

"I know, but mommy has something to tell y'all"

"What is it?" Pooh asked

"Well daddy & I are separating"

"What's that mommy" Duda asked

"Daddy & I won't be living in the same house for awhile"

"Are you mad at da-da?" Chubs asked

"No mommy don't leave" Dj started to whine

"Dj I'm not leaving"

On cue Don came down the stairs with a fussy Demi he came over & I took her out his arms.

"Daddy how could you do this again" Jax yelled storming out

Sighing I went upstairs to talk to my baby boy going into his room he was in the corner.

"Jax come talk to mommy"


"Jaxxon Zion"

He huffed & came sat down on his bed

"He promised he wouldn't leave us I hate him"

Rocking Demi in my arms I looked at Jax & said

"Don't say that ever again Jaxxon your daddy & I love you no matter what"

"But he hurt you mom"

"Daddy didn't hurt me I need some time to get myself together Jax"

"I just want you to be happy mommy"

"I know baby, but I promise we're gonna be alright"

Leaning over I kissed my son forehead

"I love you mom"

"And I love you too Jaxxon"

"I'm gonna stay at the hotel until I can find another place" Rin said

"Ya ain't gotta do all that mommas I'll leave ion want ya to go through the hassle & shit" I say

"Okay" she mumbled

Rubbing my hands down my face I went grabbed her by the waist & said

"We gone get through this shit like we always do"

"I know"

"I'm about to go I love ya mommas call me if ya need me aight"

She just nodded her head that shit fucked a nigga up cause she ain't tell me she love me back. Kissing her neck I let go off her waist & headed for the door.

"Daddy can you read me a story?" Lil butt asked

"Lil butt daddy was about to leave"

"Please" she pouted

"Aight come on" I caved in

She grabbed my hand & we went upstairs so I could read her a bedtime story.

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