Chapter Forty Six:

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"Before something great
Everything falls apart"

"Everybody keep asking me am I okay hell no I'm not okay. My son crazy ass dad kidnapped him & shot my other son. I failed my boys as a mother because I wasn't there to protect them. It's my fault all this is happening , if I would have just listened back then. So when they ask me if I'm okay my answer is no I'm depressed, I'm crying all day & night. I just want my son back"

I had found myself driving alone in the rain no destination somehow I ended up here. Maw-Maw grave I just broke down crying because I don't know what else to do. Honestly I don't want to be around anybody I can't stand to look at my husband, because I know he blames me for this. There's nothing that's gonna make me happier than my son back in my arms.

"Thought I might find you here"

Ignoring her I just sat there crying I just wanted my son back & nobody seems to understand that.

"You want to talk?"

Shaking my head she sat down beside me & I laid my head down on her shoulder & cried. She held me in her arms like a baby & rocked back & forth.

"Don & Khalil is gonna find him"

Adonis POV.....
"Nah I ain't trying to hear none of that shit bruh he shot my mf'n son & kidnapped my other one. That nigga gotta die"

"Calm down D I'm not letting you get this nigga blood on your hands you got a family to take care of."

"Calm down, I can't fucking calm down this shit is breaking my wife, your sister down. She don't eat, she don't sleep, she cry all fucking day & night. She shut me out she can't even look at me my own fucking wife. It's like she blame me for this" I yelled punching the wall

"Tf I'm supposed to do?" I broke down

"We gone get nephew back bro, pops on his way over now. He got some info about where nephew at"

I wasn't trying to none of this shit getting my son back high cwas the only thing on my mind. Going upstairs I went to check on Aires pushing his door open him, Kai, Dj, & Minnie was in the bed watching lion king.

"Hi daddy" Kai say looking over at me

"Wassup lil but y'all good in here?"

"I'm hungry Da-Da" Aires pouted

"Aight, it's almost time to take ya medicine what ya wanna eat?"

"Waffles & eggs"

Mike POV.....
Kidnapped Karin son & shot Don other son & blamed it on all Stefan. I'm gonna kill Don so Karin & I can be together like we should have. I've always  been wanting her since big cuz had her.

"Yo who tf is this?"

All I did was chuckle which pissed him off

"Ion got time for this shit who tf is this"

"I got yo son I think you better make time"

"I'm gonna put a bullet in yo head"

"We'll see about that. I'm more interested in that fine ass wife of yours."

"Don't speak on my wife where the fuck is my son?"

"Lil nigga is chained up, you want him back bring me half a million dollars & that fine ass wife"

"I'm not bringing ya shit"

"That's gonna cost yo son life"

I let off a shot in the air & hung the phone up nigga gonna stop playing with me. I will kill this lil nigga with no remorse.

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