Chapter Thirty Eight: Adonis Breakdown

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"See I done been lied to, backstabbed, and


I wanted to cry but I was too afraid to open"

      -Heart On Ice   "Rod Wave"

"They all claimed to loved me, but them mf's left me, you gone leave me just like everybody else?"

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"They all claimed to loved me, but them mf's left me, you gone leave me just like everybody else?"

"No, I'm not leaving you"

"All I wanted growing up is a family & somebody who loves me"

"Don we created our own family & I love you I'm not going nowhere"

"Ya promise mommas?"

"I promise baby"

A nigga just broke down right there in front of my wife. It might seem like I got it all, but a nigga is really fucked up. First I lost my parents when I was 14, my brotha left, my wife lost our daughter & I lost my childhood friend. Now my maw-maw gone the woman that took on that mother role.

"They fuckin left me mommas" I cried

"I know baby"

Pops always told me son don't let them see you cry cause that shit for pussies. Real men don't cry they take that pain shit & eat it up. Well pops I'm sorry for letting ya down I ate so much of this pain it's fucking with me mentally.

Flashback Over

Popping a perc I washed it down with a glass of Hennessy I ain't spoke two words since I broke down. Ion know how my wife did it, but she got maw-maw body sent here to Houston. My wife been right here, but ion want or need her or the kids seeing me like this.

"I'm gonna drop the kids off at Janelle & head to the funeral parlor"

Standing up I went over & kissed my wife & put my hands on her stomach.

"I love ya mommas" I mumbled

"I love you too Don"

"Preciate that a lot, I'm not gonna lie I'm fucked up off this one. I lost the only woman who gave a damn about me after my parents died."

"You welcome nephew you still have the rest of your family. We all love you especially my niece you make sure you taking care of yourself"

"I love y'all too Rin been right here by my side being supportive"

"As a wife should be my niece love you more than she loves herself"

"It shows auntie"

"When are you laying her to rest?"

"This Friday coming up I'll have Rin send you the information. She have everything together"

"Okay nephew I'm not gonna hold you I love you talk to you soon"

"Aight love ya too"

Hanging up I called my bro he picked up on the third ring.

"Wassup Lil bro?"

"Shit I'm about to pull up"

"Aight ya know where I'm at"

"Fasho on my way"

Ending the call I put it in the cup holder & headed to bro house.

Blowing the smoke outta my mouth I grabbed my glass & tossed the rest of the Hennessy back. Closing my eyes I sighed maw-maw death seem so fuckin unreal.

"Dad can I come down?" Jax asked

"Nah it's smoky down here I'll be up"


Getting up I turned the light off & jogged upstairs Jax was standing by the back door.

"Wassup Jax?"

"Kai been crying & she won't talk to me"

"Aight, I'll talk to her"

"Okay" he said & was about to walk away

"Yo Jax"

"Yea dad"

"I love you son"

"I love you too dad"

He ran out the kitchen & I went upstairs to Kai room her door was closed. I knocked & she said

"Go away"

"Lil butt it's daddy can I come in?"

She didn't say nothing so I went in & she was sitting in her bed crying. Going over there I hugged my daughter I knew maw-maw death had hit her.

"Daddy why did maw-maw die I thought she loved me" she sobbed

"Maw-maw do love you & always will, but it was her time to go"

"I don't want maw-maw to go"

"Me either Lil butt"

"I want my maw-maw back"

Hate seeing any of my kids crying especially when it ain't shit I could do. I just rubbed her back & let her cry shid I wanted to cry with my daughter, but daddy gotta be strong for her.

Adonis finally broke down

Aww Kairi 🥺

Any Thoughts 🤔

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