□ Coffee Shop AU

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○ Local cutie who sits looking mysterious by the window every morning drinking a latte.
○ Genuinely knows everyone in the shop by name that's how much of a regular he is.
○ Cannot and will not bring himself to take a date there. Everyone knows him and he feels like it would be like taking his S/O home to meet his family.

○ Manager!!! The manager!!! Madam Boss Lady!!!
○ Literally the sweetest. Comes in and works hours with the rest of the staff, although gets sidetracked chatting with customers.
○ Highkey best friends with all the staff.

○ She works mostly behind the scenes and away from the coffee machines and people. Makes cakes and sides to go with the coffee while doing the dishes.
○ Legend says you can hear her blasting heavy metal in the kitchen, but Scarlett drowns her out playing the radio in the main room.
○ Hates dealing with people. Hence, Scarlett stuck her in the backrooms just so she didn't deck someone in the face for getting mad their coffee wasn't perfect.

○ Ok, Tyler's the local mysterious cutie, but Kal is the local brooding man.
○ Shows up periodically for takeaway coffee, and never stays long. Other customers are (understandably) too intimidated to talk to him as he stands waiting for his order, but Scarlett will always draw him into a conversation.
○ Asks for way too many shots of espresso in his drink. It's unnatural.

○ Scrapes together money from working at the coffee house to pay for his college debt. Or so Scarlett says.
○ Develops crushes on customers that rarely ever come in again. One day is determined to write his number on one of their cups. Maybe. He knows Scarlett would murder him-
○ Lowkey his second home. As if working there isn't bad enough, be stops in there on his way home from college to get a long black.

○ Staff! Super shy and people usually don't like being served by her because they can't here her, but regulars usually develop some kind of attachment.
○ Mostly works as the barista, meaning you can always tell when Zila's walked into a room because she smells of lingering coffee grounds.
○ Silently judges people because of their orders. Can tell whether someone is absolutely off their rocker, sane, or a college student based purely on the obscurity of their drink.

○ Waitress. She's trying her best, but has alas broken at least three cups trying to clean tables.
○ She is either loved or hated by the customers. A lot mistake her for a newbie because she's a little skittish and unsteady serving or talking.
○ Most commonly found sweeping mopping the floors singing into the handle and dancing to the music. Sometimes Fin and her will neglect their duties to dance on the wet floor (risk takers), only for Scarlett to tell them off.

○ Staff, but Scarlett's kinda thrown off by his vibes. She keeps him on because Finian assures her he's a good guy, but she's a bit unsure about him.
○ Mostly just cleans up tables and the like. Despite having steadier hands than Aurora, Scarlett prefers to keep him safely tucked away from the customers emptying the dishwasher out of the fear he will hit on them in a way that could cause a lawsuit.
○ He isn't actually that bad, Scarlett's got him read the wrong way. But at the same time, his idea of flirting is not as subtley nuanced as Scarlett or Finian's-

○ The impatient one. Always threatens to leave bad reviews, gives the staff into trouble if her coffee takes too long.
○ Knows Aurora is terrified of her. She loves it so much she keeps going back. Saedii? More like Saedist.
○ The only time she cools her jets a bit is if she goes with Kal. That or if Tyler happens to be there at that time. Then she'll go and sit and chat with him. Both manage to bring out the politer- or at least better mannered- side of her.

Ok we slowly getting back into writing more on wattpad, bro swear-

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