□ Ring Pop-osal

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A super cute request from -supremisms ! Basically it's just the gang proposing with a ring pop and my heart went "asdhfhdkjkjgd" for this request bc it is that cute

○ Probably picks up such an idea from a movie and thinks it's slick. Maker help him-
○ Has the biggest, beaming smile on his face. Dimples and all in the most genuine manner possible as he practically skips up to you and takes a knee, cracking out a ring pop.
○ He's such a giggly dork. Please reward him with a kiss for thinking he's slick.

○ Highkey she was a huge fan of ring pops growing up. It was her go to if she ever saw them in a store.
○ When she finds one again, she makes sure to buy an extra one, just to give one to you- just so you can have a little bit of her childhood you know?
○ Makes it really dramatic handing it over to you. On one knee, rose in mouth, hand over chest, ring pop in hand.

○ Similarly to Scarlett, she probably grew up with them being one of her favourite sweets. Seeing them again in the store she's probably like "yooo?"
○ I don't see her proposing with it as in getting down on one knee, but she'll peg it at you and tell you she loves you.
○ Eating them together is when she might crack the joke of "does this mean we're married now?" "I hope not considering I just ate the ring."

○ Scarlett definitely sets him up with it. She gives him a ring pop and tells him that if he gets on one knee and offer it to his s/o, it will be the biggest display of Terran affection.
○ A very blushing Kaliis on a date, lowering himself onto his knee and beginning to tell you why he loves you as he reaches into his pocket.
○ Ok look, let's be real, you'd die laughing too if this red-faced alien lifted a singular ring pop to you all dramatic after listening to him tell you all the reasons he loves you.

○ Fin is probably one of those people to keep a small stash of sweets under his bed. As if it's contraband and he's smuggled it in.
○ Watching a movie in his room or something and he just reaches under the bed and finds a ring pop in the box and has the bright idea.
○ Holds it out to you like "Y/N, will you marry me?" If you say yes, he'll give the ring pop to you- although he'll joke about the fact you ate his love.

○ Probably doesn't even know what a ring pop is, just obliviously hands it to you if she buys you something sweet.
○ On the contrary, if you propose to her with a ring pop.
○ Ok but Zila going red and trying to tell you that's not an actual ring and how you are both to young to be married regardless but secretly dying on the inside because why are you so cute and oh god now her daydreams are all her planning your wedding and-

○ Wants to propose to you with a ring pop. Even if it's not legally binding and it's just a joke, she thinks it's cute.
○ Pops a knee and holds up a ring pop and asks you to marry her. It's really just adorable.
○ If you accept, she's definitely going to share your ring pop, no two ways about it.

○ Probably actually proposes to you with a ring pop ngl.

You know, since volleyball started back up for the spring competition, I've not had any brain. It's just one braincell practicing serving against my skull with Oikawa's voice from Haikyuu attached to it going "Iwa-chan"

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