□ Cuddling

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Requested by gilwraeth ! This time it was "the squad and cuddling/how comfortable they are with it" so! Yeah! Ssggdd-

○ Ok, Tyler wasn't a fantastic cuddler at the start. It was a little like cuddling a board of wood, or a warm pole.
○ Like his sister, Tyler runs on a slightly higher body temperature than average with simultaneously makes him the best and the worst to cuddle with.
○ Overall, he's trying his best but you're going to have to guide him or just accept other forms of physical affection.

○ Actually the best to cuddle with. She's soft and warm, and adores cuddling so she really has it all going for her.
○ Likes playing with your hair or vise versa while cuddling. Also likes being able to see your face. Makes stealing kisses easier.
○ As much as she loves cuddling, she knows her body temperature runs slightly higher than average, so it can get kinda warm kinda quickly.

○ Only likes cuddling sometimes. She doesn't want to overkill it, and in all honesty, it's not her favourite way to show affection.
○ Likes it when you lay on her chest. Cuddling on the couch is also her favourite. Plays with your hair as you both relax in each other's presence.
○ She's not entirely comfortable. Her cuddling isn't legendary like Scarlett's, but she still enjoys it on occasion and isn't the most uncomfortable to hug.

○ He's great at giving hugs, albeit, still getting used to it, but full blown cuddling is a little tricky.
○ With the amount of muscle he has, it's kind of like laying on a concrete slab.
○ As much as he likes physical affection, cuddling is probably not hid favoured form.

○ Unless you're cuddling in zero gee, I'm sorry, but the suit will probably prod you in a million different ways. Not to mention it's cold because it's made of metal.
○ Highkey adores cuddling. Likes to be held by you, so he makes an excellent little spoon. He sometimes tries to be big spoon but he's much more happy to be held than do the holding.
○ So down to cuddle, but again, that suit is not fantastic to hug. See, this is why he'd rather kiss you-

○ Surprisingly, Zila finds a love for cuddling. She's not great at it at first, but she's getting better.
○ Thinks it's kinda cute 'n' casual. Has to be able to keep her hands free though because usually she'll check her uniglass, so she does like being the little spoon, or any position similar to that.
○ Again, not the best cuddler, but give her some time. Only problem with her being the little spoon is her hair. There is an absurd amount of it, you realize, as you pull another strand out of your mouth while trying to cuddle her-

○ She loves cuddling, but she's an absolute fidget. If she's not on her uniglass, she's constantly twisting and shifting trying to get comfortable.
○ If you pin her with your weight, she won't move about as much, but she'll keep her hands busy by tracing patterns over your back/arms.
○ Knows she's not a fantastic cuddle partner, so she makes it up to you with smooches, hugs, and other forms of affection.

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