□ Jealousy

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A request by betraskansoftserve of the squad dealing with jealousy towards someone

○ Wants to build a relationship based on trust and loyalty! Has full faith in you.
○ Wants you to introduce him to the new person. Any friend of yours is a friend of his.
○ He can get a smidgen jealous if someone is blatantly flirting with you though- a bit of an angry type. Very assertive in telling them to clear off.

○ Master of charm. Could probably convince the person to leave you alone in the sweetest way without batting an eye.
○ Expect her to try and drag you for a makeout session. She likes to show that you two are most definitely a thing.
○ Thinks being assertive but in a subtle way will solve just about any dilemma so-

○ Silent rage is directed towards this person. If looks could kill, honestly.
○ Gets a bit handsy, proclaims through a long string of winded sentences how much she loves you.
○ May or may not crack into the alcohol to bolster her confidence.

○ Some serious internal screaming and conflict going on inside him like you would not b e l i e v e
○ Somewhere between wanting to confront the person and leaving entirely (togosulkinhisroom,probably)
○ Ends up spending his time sighing forlornly. Is a lowkey drama queen.

○ Hello, Finian de Seel has joined the conversation-
○ Probably would joke around a lot- reminding you of inside jokes between the two of you you had nearly forgotten. Lowkey salty during the conversation.
○ Give him some kisses and a little bit of reassurance and he'll be right as rain.

○ Doesn't really know how to deal with jealousy, nor does she entirely understand why she feels so.
○ Goes to Scarlett for advice.
○ Next time Zila sees you with someone, she takes Scarlett's advice of being assertive. Makes sure her disruptor pistol is visible-

○ Ok, she's a bit of a sulky jealous type.
○ She trusts you entirely, don't get her wrong, but she doesn't want this person to make you uncomfortable.
○ Probably will link her hand with yours and call you a pet name and give you a sweet smile just to prove to this person you're together.

So like, I started writing Star Map right? Then I got distracted and spent four hours watching Critical Role instead because the d's in dnd stand for dumbassery n distractions. I miss getting to playyyyy-

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