□ Singing

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A req from betraskansoftserve with the squad reacting to the reader singing.

○ L o o k, Tyler's a little bit lovestruck with you. It doesn't matter if you're screaming the lyrics to your favourite song, or humming while you do something, you're gonna get the heart eyes.
○ If you're embarrassed about it, he will 100% encourage you.
○ Loves slow dancing late at night with you while you hum or sing quietly.

○ Will probably join in if she hears you even humming.
○ Highkey? The voice of an angel. If you stop because you feel self conscious she'll drag the confidence back into you.
○ Grabs your hands and starts dancing with you as the two of you sing together.

○ She sometimes sings while piloting- only quietly, and if she's alone or with you or Scarlett.
○ Adores hearing you singing though.
○ If you do it often, she'll probably start calling you her "Little Bird".

○ Quite a musically inclined person himself. Might even teach you some traditional Syldrathi songs if you're interested!
○ If he hears you singing and his siif (for those of you who haven't read Burning yet, it's a stringed Syldrathi instrument made of crystal) is nearby, he might accompany.
○ Could sit for hours simply listening to you sing.

○ He is in love with hearing you sing. If you're embarrassed about it you best believe he will gas you up, singing your praises.
○ Likes if you whisper or hum songs while you're going to bed.
○ He can't exactly tear his eyes off of you while you sing he loves watching you.

○ She finds a kind of comfort in it.
○ When you sing quietly, she likes to rest her head against your chest and listen to the vibrations in it.
○ Sometimes she'll hum along if she knows the song, slowly interlacing your fingers as she leans against you.

○ Ok but she definitely screams the lyrics to her favourite songs. Hearing you do the same gives her life.
○ You both like a song? Oh boy, prepare for her to start singing a lyric in the hopes you finish it.
○ She just loves hearing you sing though. Screaming or humming. It's adorable to her.

As a bonus you can have some of the kids as a dumb out of context quote between my friend and I-
Zila: Can someone turn off the oven?
Finian: I can. I'm a man with hands.
Scarlett, sitting on her phone halfway across the room: A man with hands??? I'd hope so?????

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