□ Crying

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A request by Cinnclair which is basically the squad reacting to the reader crying either because of them or not so skrrt skrrt-

○ Usually of the squad cries he'll try and toughen them up, but if you cry he is going to be all over you.
○ Giving you kissses, smoothing your hair, wiping you tears, reassurance, etc.
○ If he's somehow made you cry, he's going to profusely apologize while kissing your forehead.

○ Scarlett Jones, the empath at this point. If she can understand why you're crying, she'll probably start getting teary-eyed too. She knows exactly what to say in these situations though!
○ Wraps you up in a firm, warm hug. Rubs your back and encourages to let it all out.
○ If it's her that made you cry, she suggests calming down first before talking it out together.

○ Cat's not fantastic when it comes to dealing with tears. She's not exactly a poet, and with other people she's not exactly touchy-feely.
○ If you cry, however, she'll probably sit down beside you and ask if you want to talk about it. She lets you rest your head on her shoulder and she intertwines your fingers to gently massage the backs of your knuckles.
○ If it's her you're crying over she might freak out a bit and applogize over and over.

○ If you thought Cat was bad-. Kal was raised in a way that errradicates weakness. A very "don't cry, nobody's died" kind of way.
○ At the same time though, seeing you upset pains him. He'll definitely scoop you up into a warm hug and whisper gentle reassurances to you until you calm down.
○ If it's him you're crying over, he might give you a bit of distance, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable.

○ Another one who's not great with words. Seeing you cry makes him worried something bad's happened, and he's quick to be by your side even if internally his head is screaming at him to get away from an emotional situation.
○ Definitely will crack some jokes if you're crying. Wants to see your smile again.
○ If it's him you're crying over he most definitely won't leave your side, constantly trying to make you laugh.

○ Zila also isn't fantastic when it comes to people crying. Her initial response is to just stand back and let it happen.
○ But she will force herself to stay with you. Unsure of how to cope with it, she'll tell you some cool science facts to distract you. Once you've calmed down, she'll ask you about your crying.
○ If it's her you're crying over, she'll simply sit in the room at a distance and wait for something to happen.

○ Surprisingly good at making people feel better when they're upset. It's really a skill.
○ She shifts what she does from person-to-person to decide what they react best too. Whether that be via physical touch, reassurance, venting, etc.
○ If it's her you're crying over, she's still definitely going to stay with you and get you to stop crying first before she offers you some space.

We do be writing this at 4:20 in the morning hehehe

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