02 | manifestation and thoughts

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i'm sure 99.9% of you are here to learn how to manifest. the other 0.1% are probably lost, lmao. but hey, i wouldn't mind you sticking around. all are welcome.

so as i already stated in the last chapter, you are always operating under the law of assumption. which in simpler terms means, you are always manifesting. already. always have been and always will be. you have no choice. many people see manifesting as a way to gain something and think, well that's it. i got what i wanted, i don't need to manifest any longer. but it doesn't work like that.

you are always manifesting whether it's consciously or not. you have no choice. you have been creating your reality this whole time.

so i'm not here to teach you how to manifest as you are already a master at manifesting. you've been doing it your whole life.

i am here to teach you how to consciously manifest. how to control what now happens to you in your reality. because you control everything.

if you don't think you're ready, that's okay! it can be a lot to take in. but keep in mind before you leave, you're still manifesting. it's up to you now whether you take control or let your autopilot thoughts keep control.
i told you that your thoughts create, but what does that really mean?

let's start this out simple.

everyone is always thinking. all the time. you're always thinking. you have thoughts upon thoughts throughout the day.

do they all manifest? no.


if all of our thoughts manifested let's be honest. it'd be a train wreck, lol.

of course not every thought you have is going to manifest. that would be crazy. but what thoughts do manifest are the dominant ones. the ones that you think about the most.

so say for example;
maybe you aren't the richest person out there. and maybe you want to be! but if you go about your day thinking about how poor you are and how you never have any money, then that's exactly who you're going to continue being. your story is poor and never having money.

you need to stop thinking from a place of lack. stop thinking about what you don't want and start thinking about what you do want! change your story.

start thinking as if you already have this thing you desire. it's already happening to you now.

a strict mental diet along with some techniques can help you with this, which i will talk about in a later chapter.

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