13 | revision

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revision: imagining the version of a past experience that you would have wanted to have had, instead of the version that you did have.

before you were aware that you were manifesting your entire reality, i am sure you have manifested some unlovely experiences in the past. or maybe they were recent or maybe something unlovely just happened in the 3d that you would like to change. whenever or whatever it may be, revision will help you to change those circumstances/experiences.

when using revision, it is best to do it in SATS. SATS is a drowsy/calm state.

once you figure out what it is you would like to revise, whether that be an argument, breakup, getting fired, etc., play that specific scene in your mind. once you play this scene in your mind, change the part of the scene that would be how you would like it to be.

(let's use an argument)
you got into an argument with someone and it caused the both of you to not talk any longer. in your head, you will replace that argument with something that you would have liked to happen instead. it would be as if the argument never happened.

the more you revise your scene, the more it will feel natural and real to you. and once you reach the state of naturalness of your new scene, it will change the past. and whatever circumstances that have arisen will either no longer seem to have existed or will fix themselves.

you can revise on the spot as well. if someone told you something that you didn't like in the moment, you will go in your head and instead hear what you really wanted to hear from them. don't react to what they said in the 3d. and again, things will fix themselves.

if you have reacted to the 3d, you can also revise that! you can change what had actually happened or reassure yourself that it didn't mess anything up!

something neville always suggested was revising your day. every night before you fall asleep, replay your day in your mind but revise it to how you would have actually wanted it to occur.

i use the word changing because it may seem as though things are changing or have changed. it also may be a little easier to comprehend and is easier to explain to someone lol. but really you're just shifting into a reality where this thing had or is already occurring. although if you want to continue to see it as "changing" then do as you desire. either way, just know things will be as you say.

have fun with this! don't stress.

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