29 | vibrations

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vibrations are a huge topic in the loa community. and as we already know to stay away from that community, i thought talking about vibrations would be a much needed topic because i know it definitely took a toll on me. and i don't want you guys to go through the same thing i had gone through previously.

when i first started learning about vibrations, i thought that was the key to manifesting. because this is what i was told by loa gurus. i dedicated so much of my time to raising my vibration and forcing myself to be happy go lucky 24/7. i rarely focused much on my thoughts and when i did, it was only to get into a state of feeling good. it was never for the right reasons.

raising your vibration is looked at as a very important part of manifesting in the loa community. it is believed that you must raise your vibration, which really just means being happy, in order to attract things into your life. in order to attract beneficial things into your life.

in reality, it's the complete opposite if anything. feeling happy 24/7 and on top of the world is not needed at all. in fact, staying in this state for too long forcefully will hurt you quite a bit. when i first started applying this, i would do nothing but listen to positive, uplifting music. i would force myself to smile and bury any true emotions that i had. crying was a no. i wasn't allowed to cry. i wasn't allowed to feel anything except happy. i tried to look at the world in a brighter way. that everything was fine. and i was very happy.

this was a lie. i was not happy. i convinced myself i was for a long time but i really wasn't. i was FORCING myself to feel this way. your feelings/emotions should come natural to you. you should not have to force anything. if you're forcing, then it means you don't truly feel this way. your feelings/emotions are an indicator to what state you are currently in. they are an indicator as to what thoughts are playing throughout your mind. i'm not saying you should have a feeling of happiness all the time because this is not normal. i'm saying that the feeling of contentment should come naturally.

if you have to force anything, then you're lying to yourself. and what you resist, persists. i was resisting my true emotions. so they stuck around. i never got rid of them. i only buried them thinking they would go away. but how can anything ever go away without a chance to come up and leave on its own?

it was a cycle for me. forcing happiness upon myself for as long as possible before breaking down and losing my mind. and then shaking it off the next day and forcing the happiness once again. a never ending cycle. and it was a toxic one. it was hurting my mental state and i didn't even realize it. i thought i was manifesting. i thought this was the way to getting what i wanted.

your feelings do not affect your manifestation. crying does not affect it unless you believe it does. how can they affect anything? you're god, do you believe your feelings will get in the way of your manifestation? it's your decision.

never try to hold in any emotions that need to be let go. they need to be let go in order for you to let go of them. in order for you to let go of the old story. let them come up and leave.

the richest person in the world can feel depressed. does that make him any less rich?

the person who has nothing can feel the happiest. if they're happy, how come they have nothing?

there have been many things that i have manifested into my life that i enjoyed while i was in a very bad place mentally. but my thoughts about said thing were positive. it had nothing to do with my feelings. if your "vibration" mattered then tell me, how did i go about manifesting these things into my life?

things only started to go south when my thoughts about said thing did as well.

your feelings mean nothing until you make them mean something. it all comes back to your thoughts in the end. it's all about your mind.

if you're forcing yourself to be happy but you're not watching your thoughts, you are not going to gain anything but a mental break down.

not trying to re-affirm anything here but sometimes i still have the limiting belief that feelings can screw up my manifestation. i'm telling you this only because i'm trying to help you. this isn't about me, it's about you. if you struggle with such a limiting belief as well, i want you to know that it's okay. it doesn't control you. and you will get over it. stop re-affirming that you have this limiting belief. stop telling yourself the same old story.

your thoughts create, not your feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2022 ⏰

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