15 | self concept & self love

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self concept is literally the most important thing when it comes to manifesting. please don't skip this chapter.

in the beginning of my journey of manifesting an sp back, i despised hearing about self concept. because when it comes to self concept you have to focus on yourself but i didn't want to do that. i wanted to put all of my focus on my sp and only affirming for him.

now while this can work, having a bad self concept is just going to push them away again. and will also make every other relationship play out the exact same way.

self concept is important because it is how you see yourself. and how you see yourself is how others see you because they are you pushed out.

if you think you are not chosen.
not loved. not wanted.
not good enough. etc etc.
people will have no choice but to reflect this.
they can be so utterly in love with you at first but they have NO CHOICE but to reflect this.

this is why working on your self concept is VERY important.

you need to know that you are good enough as you are. you are beautiful, chosen, loved, wanted, etc. you are perfect.

you need to feel chosen before your sp can choose you. now you do also need to make sure your thoughts about your sp are also aligned with what you want. for example, knowing they are in love with you. but you also need to have a self concept of feeling chosen so they can choose you.

you need to feel chosen before that job can choose you. you need to feel good enough so people around you will reflect that back to you.

you need to feel worthy of your desires so you can bring them to you AND keep them.

you are good enough as you are.
i promise.
you don't need to change
a thing about yourself.

affirm ;
"i am chosen"
"i am wanted"
"i am beautiful"
"i am good enough"

work on your self concept ALWAYS


you will get hot and cold behavior if you don't work on your self concept. you can manifest with a shitty self concept but your desires won't stay. and we want them to stay, correct?

you're good enough <33
and you deserve your desires

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