21 | big and small manifestations

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when we are trying to manifest something, lots of us label things as "big" or "small" manifestations. i understand where this is coming from and still even fall victim to it at times myself, but this way of perceiving is wrong.

there is no such thing as a "big" or "small" manifestation. $1000 is as easy to manifest as a penny. a cup of coffee is as easy to manifest as an sp.

the reason some things may seem bigger than others is because you may have more resistance to such things which in return makes it seem more difficult to manifest.

nothing is difficult to manifest, it's all on your perception of things. don't make something difficult to manifest.

if you are struggling to manifest something, then i want you to make a new assumption that whatever it is you are trying to manifest, is the easiest thing for you to manifest.

ex; ((trouble manifesting money))
money is literally the easiest thing for me to manifest. money comes to me so easily and quickly and it's so natural for me to have lots of money.

stop labeling things as big and small manifestations. you should be seeing every manifestation as a huge success, because it is. every conscious manifestation is a huge success. stop trying to make certain things seem more difficult causing them to be further out of reach. make things as easy as possible for you.

time is not real. don't try to believe that it's going to take longer to manifest one thing than another just because of "circumstances" or how "big" you perceive it as. time isn't real. you can receive any manifestation as quickly as possible. it all depends on your assumptions and whether you are living in the end or not.

it ALL depends on your assumptions, the story you are continuously telling yourself, and whether you are living in the end or not. don't make this difficult!

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