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this isn't my typical writing about the law, but it is important advice that i wanted to throw in here. something i've learned on my own. i hope it helps someone.

if you haven't yet fully grasped the concept of everyone is you pushed out, that is okay. take your time. i decided to give a little bit of advice on the subject though because it is something that would pop up for me a lot. i got this advice from myself. i didn't have anyone telling me such things nor have i tried finding others who have had thoughts as such. but if i'm able to help someone, then that's all that matters. even if i'm just putting this reminder out there for myself only.

as we all know, everyone is us pushed out. everyone is just mirroring back our assumptions. we know that we make up people's personalities and such and if we want to change them, we can. i have learned to take responsibility for the relationships in my life. whether that be romantic, friendships, family, etc. because of this understanding, there have been times where i thought that i SHOULD fix all relationships with everyone i have/had in my life. there should be no bad blood. i still agree with the no bad blood, everyone should be forgiven including yourself. but believing that just because eiypo means you need to fix everything is a tiring and hurtful concept.

i've had this concept pop up for me multiple times. i've tried to force myself to fix and keep relationships with people that i knew deep down i had no desire for. but i felt guilty if i didn't try to change things and keep this person in my life. now while i thought i should fix all my relationships, there was only one person at the time in my life that i forced myself to keep. all the rest were already gone. i'm sure they know who they are if they are reading this. (if you're here right now, this is going to be my form of letting this friendship go for good. and i hope you do the same. at least, i'll try my best to believe you will).

i made myself keep them around because i felt guilty ridding someone when i knew i could fix it because they are just me. but in the long run, keeping them around only made me feel more miserable and irritated. i knew that this was wrong but i could fix it, right? yes. but i had no desire to. not only that but when i tried, it again made me feel miserable. that's when it hit me. we are here to experience our desires. and i had zero desire to have this person in my life. that's nothing to feel bad about. it's SUPPOSED to be this way. i remember when i finally got the courage to drop them as the god in me had been trying to tell me to do all along. i felt,, free? like a huuuge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. not because of this person themself, but because i did not desire to have this person around. i had a desire to rid them from my life. and that is okay. could i have changed them and tried to fix things? of course. but i didn't want to. all this person did was drain me and make me feel nothing but stuck and hurt. in return, i was very rude towards them. i was way too rude just because they were draining me and i realize that now.

maybe it was due to the fact that they came into my life during one of the most difficult parts of my life. maybe i identified them with that time period and this was another way of me letting that time go. maybe it just took too much of me to keep this friendship alive and i didn't have the desire inside of me to keep it going. let alone, there was just too much baggage for me to unpack for a FRIENDSHIP that i didn't feel very connected to anyways. i felt very held back with them around and couldn't focus on myself and my desires correctly.

i can't blame it on the person because they can be changed. they're just me. but none of it matters now. i've never felt happier ridding this mirror of me from my life AND fixing my relationship with another to be the perfect relationship it was before (my sp). i don't miss this friendship that i let go of. infact, it rarely, if ever, passes my mind now. which is a good sign. i've let it go and it's staying where it was left. the only reason i've recently thought about this friendship isn't because of the person, but because of the advice that it has left with me.

even with people i've dropped in the past. had a falling out with, bad or good, i have zero desire to fix things or become "neutral" in the 3d. in my mind, things are already "neutral". i've forgiven them and wish them all the best, because they are just me. and that's all that matters. that's as far as i desire to go.

this is not an excuse because "i can't do it". i've already fixed my relationship with the one person i wanted to fix things with. after that, i desire new people to fill my life.

never ever feel bad about letting go of someone if you don't desire to have them around. don't feel pressured to fix the relationship just because you can. also, never feel bad about wanting someone back into your life or wanting an sp. if you desire it, it is already yours. don't stress and worry so much. i've both dropped someone from my life and fixed my relationship with my sp during my journey and i'm more than happy. you can be too. don't ever feel guilty.

it is such a relief knowing everyone is you pushed out. it's an even bigger relief knowing you don't have to fix every relationship just because you're capable; you can let go.

i hope this helps someone and if not, it helped me let go. ty<33

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