03 | eiypo and free will

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eiypo (everyone is you pushed out)

for the majority of our lives, we were told that everyone was their own person. that everyone was separate from us and had their own thoughts and feelings. sounds pretty logical doesn't it? well logic has no place in manifestation.

everyone is you pushed out. and everyone is acting based on your assumptions. there is nobody in your reality that has the ability to think, do, or act without being "directed" by you. nobody in your reality has free will. it simply just does not exist.

everyone that you encounter in your life is just a mirror. they are reflecting back to you what your assumptions are about them and about you. they are part of your consciousness, pushed out. they have no free will because you are in total control of your reality. you are a God/Goddess. nobody in your reality is separate from you. as much as it may look and feel like it in the 3d, nobody is really separate from you.

this in a sense, is very comforting. especially if you're attempting to manifest an sp. isn't it wonderful to know that they're never separate from you? they've been with you this entire time. no matter the time or what the map says, they've always been right there with you.

the universe is inside of you. you hold everything within yourself. nothing nor anybody can ever be separate from you
because everything is just you pushed out.
because YOU ARE the universe.

read that again.

an easier way to comprehend eiypo is everyone in the 3d is always "ease-dropping" on your thoughts. you tell them what to do, how to feel, etc. they just think it's their own thoughts. their own ideas. but really it's just your assumptions that they're operating under.

everyone is operating under your assumptions.

if you assume that someone is obsessed with you. and they want nothing more than to spend their life with you and only you, and you keep this assumption. then that's exactly who they're going to be.

if you assume that your significant other is cheating on you, and you keep persisting in that assumption, they have no choice but to conform to that assumption. literally they have NO CHOICE. they can't go against you. you're the operant power.

now if you encounter a total stranger and they're a jerk to you, does that mean you created them to be this way? impossible right? you've never had thoughts about them.

this ties in with general assumptions and your self concept. more just on the bigger picture.

but even though they may be acting like an asshole to you now, doesn't mean you can't change their behavior. you can easily change them from being rude to absolutely adoring you, if you want to take the time. if it doesn't truly concern you, i wouldn't bother.

so yes, people do project your general assumptions, thoughts, and fears. it's something to keep in mind for future reference and may be something you may want to take time to change.

if you assume that everyone leaves you or you always attract fuck boys. then that's what you're going to get. that person is going to have to leave you eventually or turn into a fuck boy if you continue to have this assumption. they have no choice. no choice!


you're not manipulating anybody. if that's what you believe, then you may as well drop manifestation all together because that cup of coffee you're trying to manifest? you're messing with someone's "free will" because someone has to give you that coffee.

people will be operating under your assumptions either way and always will be. so make the choice today. why have unpleasant outcomes rather than pleasant when you get to choose?

nobody is ever trying to go against you. nobody wants to hurt you. ever. everyone wants the best for you. they all have to operate under your assumptions. so always assume the best for you to benefit you and everyone around you. <3

remember that they are still people! they are not puppets and or robots. they may be a part of your consciousness but that doesn't give you any right to mistreat someone or see them as less than a human being. be considerate

(ps. if you have ever been through any type of abuse it is not your fault. i have been through plenty so i understand. this goes much deeper from when you were a very young child and honestly isn't a topic i want to get into. i will say, pls don't carry terrible assumptions from these experiences into your future. you can change it. ily sm. <3)

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