20 | doubts and fears

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don't worry, i'm not about to bash you guys for having doubts and fears. just giving you something to think about.

(a/n: trying my best to continue updating and finish this book. losing motivation plus just trying to focus on me and my life so be patient with me. also huge thank you to those who continue reading AND voting, love you guys most. that's all thank you)

doubts and fears are going to come and go. you're human, it's unavoidable. at this point in my journey, i don't have nearly as many as i used to. you want to try to reach this point eventually. but don't worry if you have a few here and there.

i used to be eaten alive by my doubts, fears, and constant worrying. it was not a good place to be. it's how most of us we're programmed. even at the beginning of my journey and still sometimes now, it happens to me. i now know how to handle these thoughts/feelings a little better when arisen, but that wasn't always the case.

something i wanted to talk about in this chapter is you being a god. how this correlates to your doubts and fears.

if you are god of your reality, why are you having doubts and fears? what is there to be afraid of? worry about? dwell in negatively? if you are god, why are you worried? you have full control. everyone is you. they're mirroring your thoughts/assumptions. so why are you doubting? why are you having fears?

would god have fears and doubts? would god worry about every little thing all the time, or even at all? god would not worry. god would never fear for the worst. god knows. god KNOWS everything is okay. and you're god. at least, your god self is within you. it's within you waiting for YOU to see this truth. waiting for YOU to listen to it.

ask yourself this question.

if i am god, why would i fear and worry? why would i have doubts at all?

god does not worry. god does not fear. god does not have doubts. god knows that what they desire is already there's. god knows they have full control.

and you're god, remember?

yes you will have doubts and fears, i'm not saying you can never have them. all i'm saying is you are god. so why worry at all?

this helps with receiving less doubts, fears, and worries and being able to handle them when they do come up.

knowing you are god should melt away your fears. it should be easier to turn away from them when they come up. see them, but let them go. don't see them, grasp onto them, and keep them. don't react to them and 'oh my god why am i feeling and thinking this way?' just observe. let it pass.

when you have a doubt or fear pop up, i want you to go within and remember that you are in full control. remember that what you desire is already here! and tell yourself that it is okay, that it does not have control over you. it's not real, unless you make it real. don't make it real.

REMEMBER; you control your thoughts, they do not control you.

another thing i wanted to include in here is changing your assumptions about your negative thoughts. assume "even when i have negative thoughts, i only manifest positive things". don't let your negative thoughts mean anything.

remind yourself that you are god but also tell the story that negative things don't manifest for you. everything is always working out in your favour.

don't be held back by your doubts and fears. they're not real and they never will be. it's only your ego talking.

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