11 | scripting

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technique #3

remember, the technique does not manifest, you do! it's only here to assist you.

anyone who has had any interest in manifestation or spirituality in general, has probably heard about scripting. it's very popular amongst the spirituality and loa community. i used scripting a lot when i was studying loa. now, even though i no longer resonate with loa, i have always resonated with scripting. as someone who loves to write, how could i not?

scripting does not mean doing a lot of meaningless loa methods that i am certain you are aware of. (ex; 33x3, 369 method, etc etc) it is okay, it's a journey, i did lots of these loa methods for a few months. i was piled high with method after method,, i did it all. but of course i no longer do them! (you can if you want but they do not bring you your manifestation, they're pointless UNLESS you enjoy them)


there is no right or wrong way to script but i'm going to tell you how i script! it's the most practical way to go about scripting and many loa gurus do this as well (as well as law of assumption coaches).

there are many things you can do with scripting. if you are not into writing i would skip this chapter, lmao. if you enjoy writing, well, get your notebooks ready!

what's your desire? your end goal? let's say your end goal is to manifest a new car,, for free!

you can include a date at the top of the page or not, your preference. i personally enjoy including dates half the time. in your notebook, you will write about your new car. how happy you are about your new car. what does it look like? how do you feel? write about your new car! include that you received it for free. include how thankful you are about your new car. it's like a diary in a sense.

if you are not good at keeping on your affirmations or visualizing yet you want to include a technique, this is the one for you. it keeps your mind more focused upon what you are writing while it may be hard to focus on affirming or visualizing.

another thing you can do with scripting is writing down a list of what you would like to manifest. most random things to your biggest desires. and every time one of them happens, cross it off. this will help with building your faith in the law. i myself have a whole list from things i personally do not care about to things i care deeply about.

do you have negative thoughts? do your biggest circumstances keep popping up in your head?

write them down. write them down on a piece of paper. and either crossing them off or flipping the paper over, you'll write down the circumstances flipped. let's say your biggest one is "we don't talk" you'll flip it to "we talk every single day". lots of people get rid of the paper after they do this by tossing it, burning it, etc. personally i just cross off the negative and underneath i write it flipped and go back to it if needed to reassure myself.

i hope this is making sense.

it's just like a diary but with your desires. you will write them as if they are happening now or they happened today. that's it!

i know you're sick of hearing this by now but remember the technique does not manifest!

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