28 | subliminals & sleep tracks

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hey guys it's been so long since i've updated this book but i'm back lol
i personally don't use subliminals and i don't know if i ever have. i may have tried using them a few times im not sure.

but do they work? they can!
do you believe they work for you?
do you think they're a waste of time?
what do you believe about them?

they work if you believe they work.

but do not put all of your focus into subliminals only as you are the one who is doing it all. they only work because you think they do. and of course you don't need them to manifest anything. but if listening to them makes you feel good within yourself, then why not?

do be careful with subliminals though.
some people tend to put bad stuff within their subliminals that will have negative affects on you. so just make sure you're listening to subliminals from a RELIABLE source.

ANOTHER thing i wanted to talk about is sleep affirmations tracks. this is something that i personally did use and did enjoy, for the most part.

you can use other peoples sleep affirmation tracks or make your own! making your own may benefit you a bit more as it is in your own voice, but it's really up to you.

sleep affirmation tracks are just affirmations that you listen to throughout the night. your subconscious is wide open when you are sleeping so the affirmations get picked up a lot better than when you are just consciously affirming and can help things to manifest a lot quicker.

again, of course, these are not required either. i no longer listen to them but i did listen to them for a bit just to help improve my self concept.

subliminals and sleep affirmation tracks are similar but also not. you can use both if you desire or neither, all up to you. just be careful (:

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