12 | more techniques

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remember that the techniques do not manifest, you do!

this is just going to be a chapter on a few less popular techniques but they are just as effective as the others, if you allow them to be. they will be very simple as well.


for an an example i'm going to use manifesting $1000.

which this technique, you will say
• i remember when i received $1000
word it however you want as long as u include "i remember when"

you can also add a date/time.
•i remember when i received $1000 last week

another way to go about it-
let's use a different example. manifesting a relationship with your sp.
•i remember when my sp didn't want to be with me, but now we are in an amazing relationship.

you are basically telling yourself that it is here now. it has already happened, things have already changed.


please don't go telling your sp what to do in the 3d, lmao! this is meant to be only done in your mind.

picture your sp or whoever it is you are trying to get to do something, and tell them what to do or how they feel!

you are in love with me
you want to be with me
you are always texting me
you are going to give me that job
you have given me that job
you have given me my scholarship
you offered to give me a $50 gift card (lmao)


this isn't a technique as much as the others, in my opinion, but ofc it's not required. i love this one!

remember when i told you that nobody is separate from you? that your person and everyone in the whole world is always there with you? well it's true! and this is one way you can communicate with them. the reason i believe this isn't so much a technique is because you really are communicating or with your person. but it is, in a way, also a technique.

imagine hearing them tell you what you want to hear, whatever that may be. and don't forget to respond back.

your sp: i am so in love with you. you make me so happy and i can't imagine spending my life with anyone else
you: i love you too. i love that you are so in love with me and i am so happy that you only have eyes for me

hear your sp telling you these things and when you respond, try to respond out loud. this is what i always do and it feels more like you are having a conversation with them.

if you cannot hear your sp's actual voice, that is okay! it does not matter because remember that they are just you! they are part of your consciousness so whether you hear them speaking in their voice or not is not the point. but, you can start assuming that you hear their voice and it may help.

feel their presence! close your eyes and see them. feel them hugging you, holding your hand. see them looking into your eyes and smiling. you can even imagine them in the 3d with you, whatever makes you feel good.

i guess this one does tie in with visualization really well but the difference here is there is no scene. we are simply just talking to or visiting with the sp.


these are just a few more that i think are good. i'm sure there are plenty more but i'm not going to get into every little (or big) technique that there is. this should be enough anyways!

for the last time, i promise, the technique does not manifest! YOU DO !!!

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