01 | loa and law of assumption

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when i first got into manifestation, it was to manifest an sp (specific person). this is one of the most popular topics amongst the manifestation community as this is what most people stumble upon it for. at the beginning, all i did was chase and beg. this was before i knew about the law.

of course this didn't work. it only pushed the person further away. ironic enough, when i tried to back away as they wanted, they inched their way back to me. giving me hope. and then the whole cycle started all over again. (my fault!)

eventually, i stumbled upon loa (law of attraction). i don't quite remember how i came across it but i am pretty sure it started with tiktok. heads up, that is the worst place to get your information from. (unless they are teaching law of assumption!) there are very few people on there who have knowledgeable information, but most of it is (or at least was year of 2020) misleading and just awful.

law of attraction: belief that positive thoughts will bring positive results into a persons life, and negative thoughts will bring negative outcomes.

this isn't entirely wrong. actually, nothing is wrong if you believe it is right. loa is honestly correct for the most part, but it has been misconstrued so much and has tons of limiting beliefs. i personally would advise staying away from loa, but if you want to learn about it you will have to leave my book because i will for sure not be teaching anyone about loa.

loa did nothing for me but worsen my mental state and it sure as hell did not get me my sp. my mental state was already bad and on top of gaining nothing, it was just a waste of my time. on the bright side, it did lead me to the law of assumption.

(if law of attraction works for you, that's great! keep doing what works for you. but this book is based on law of assumption. and law of attraction did nothing but give me mental break downs, lmao)

thankfully enough, i did not stick with loa for long. maybe a few months at most, until i stumbled upon the law of assumption.

law of assumption: the belief that your assumptions create your reality.

you are operating under the law of assumption right now, as is everyone else. there is no one not operating under this law and there is no way around it. this is the first thing to realize. you are always operating under the law, no exceptions!

the law is very simple. your assumptions create.

it's so simple, in fact, most people tend to overcomplicate it. it's hard to believe that it's really this simple. but i assure you, and will again and again, it's really that simple.

your dominant thoughts, assumptions, and beliefs create your reality. take a whole day to just listen to the mind chatter that goes on within. tell me, what are you thinking throughout the day? what assumptions are you carrying?

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