07 | living in the end

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a crucial part to manifesting what you desire is living in the end, aka living in the wish fulfilled.

i have mentioned this a few times already but let's take a deeper dive into this topic.

a lot of people will tell you their take on manifesting and what works best for them. what they think doesn't work. blah blah. everyone has their techniques and beliefs about it and it's true, in their reality. whatever you believe to be true is true but i'll get into that in a different chapter. my point is you can believe this and that but the most important part to manifesting, no arguments, is living in the end. or the wish fulfilled. no arguments.

there are different ways to "live in the end", kinda. depending on the techniques you use, if you use any, and the steps you take to get to your end goal. now your end may be different from someone else's. or maybe you both have the same goal, for example marriage with an sp or having a successful business. but you can both take different routes to achieve these goals.

a lot of people live in the very end of already having that marriage or that successful business. while others have an easier time manifesting in steps. it does not matter which path you choose, always choose the path with least resistance for you. but no matter if you're going to the very end or choosing steps, you're still living in the end of something. whether that be a text message from your sp or a building for your business; literally whatever it is i'm just giving random examples.

so yes, you can manifest in steps. if it doesn't feel right for you to just automatically assume you're married, a billionaire, or have a booming business, do steps. but you still need to live in the end of whatever step you're trying to achieve first. and whenever you achieve that goal and it is consistent in your reality, focus on your next goal.

what i like to do is focus on my end goal while also affirming for steps that may lead up to that goal. so that is something you could do as well.

wanting a relationship with an sp. you affirm that you are in a relationship with this sp already but also affirm that you're constantly talking and they're in love with you. changing the whole story! now you do not have to do this because if you are in a relationship then it all really comes in a package deal, but it is something that i enjoy doing myself. and it can work for any aspect in your life.

technique also does not matter. it's not the technique that manifests, it's your thoughts and state. but techniques can help people to shift states into being in the wish fulfilled. i will be writing chapters dedicated to each of the most popular techniques. and then getting into a few others, so don't fret. please re-read the first two sentences of this paragraph.

how do you know you're living in the end?

simple. what are you focusing on? what are your thoughts? how do you feel?

if you are focusing on your desire as if it is yours now and you keep on top of your thoughts, you are living in the end. feelings follow thoughts. do not worry about your feelings but the more you focus your thoughts on this, the more you will feel good and or neutral.

the more you question whether you are living in the end or if you are doing things correctly, the more you are implying what? huh? that it's what? ITS NOT HERE

how the hell does that imply it's not here.

because you are implying LACK and are focusing on the fact that you are MANIFESTING something. you are not supposed to focus on such things. you are not even to tell people, let alone yourself, that you are manifesting anything. it's already here, remember? so if it's already here, how can you be doing anything wrong? it's here now! you can't mess up. stop doubting the process and stop questioning. you are god. of course you're doing it right; if you say you are.

acting as if

act as if means to live your life as if you are already in your desired reality.

now while yes, i said you want to do everything as the person who already has everything they want, i didn't mean it in a sense of acting as if. i meant in your MIND. not in the 3d. act as if implies it in the 3d.

you are manifesting more money.
to "act as if" you already have tons of money is to go and buy something you want even when you don't really have the money to spend.

you are manifesting a person.
to "act as if" is to go around telling everyone you and said person are already married and live together.

acting as if will make you look crazy to say the least. you do not have to act as if. i do not advise acting as if. unless you really really want to do it, then do it for small things. like buying a drink for your sp. of course they're not going to drink it lmao but the point is you are acting like they are already here. or you can, in your mind, say you're going to buy such and such for your person but don't actually do it in the 3d. only in your mind. your subconscious does not know the difference between your imagination and the 3d, it's all the same.

so what is it you are trying to achieve?

whenever you think about it stop thinking about it like you are trying to achieve it and start living in the end of already having it. or "living in the wish fulfilled" as i like this term a little better, lmao.

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