19 | why circumstances dont matter

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circumstances don't matter.

you hear it all the time. and it's the truth, they do not matter. they can never matter. if you spilled all of your circumstances out to me right now, every single one of them, i would tell you that they do not matter. there have been many people, including myself, who have overcome some of the most awful circumstances you can think of. yet here we are- successful manifestations.

you know circumstances don't matter. you know they don't. but why don't they? what's the reasoning behind this?

nothing in your reality is set in stone. nothing in your reality is unchangeable. it's all molded by you; by your thoughts. and will continue to be this way for the rest of your human experience. nothing is ever truly broken or lost. and nothing is separate from you. this is all an illusion that we have fallen for.

everything that you can think of in your life all connects back you to. separation isn't real. it never has been and never will be. but our eyes trick us into believing that separation is a thing. as it is what we have been taught.

one of the easiest things that i think to manifest is people. because people change their minds all of the time. why can't your sp change theirs? why is that so hard to believe? because of the old story you carry around? but it's dead, remember?

you created your circumstances and you can change them just as quickly and easily as they came about. nothing outside of you created them. nothing outside of you can keep them in place. nothing outside of you has any control.

circumstances cannot matter when everything and everyone is just you pushed out. how can they matter? circumstances cannot matter when you are never separate from anything or anyone. how can they matter? circumstances cannot matter when everything and everyone is just your consciousness. how can they matter?

if you persist in a thought, then it is going to show up. it has to. there is no other way. this is why circumstances do not matter.

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