04 | desires

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desires. we all experience desires throughout our life. some come and go. some stick around. some we believe we will never achieve as we believe they are out of reach. and many don't even attempt to chase said desire because the circumstances seem impossible.

if society has taught us anything, it's that you don't always get what you want. or that maybe it's not meant to be. yada yada

all bullshit.

the reason you have said desire is because it's meant to be yours. actually, it's already yours. you can't desire something that isn't meant to be yours. now that's impossible.

if you have a desire then it also desires you. so if you desire to be with an sp but you don't think it's possible or meant to be, you're hurting yourself and your sp. they do desire you. they're really just waiting on you to make the change.

(i just wanted to add that i will be making a part dedicated to manifesting an sp. i feel this is a very popular topic and why most people get into manifesting. so don't worry. (: i got u)

where do desires come from?

desires come from your god self. you are meant to experience these desires. you are not supposed to deny them.

denying yourself a desire hurts you. and it hurts the people around you, because they are you pushed out. claiming your desire is what is best for you and everyone in your life.

you're supposed to experience your desires

the moment you have a desire, you are supposed to claim it as yours now. it is yours now! it's already here. if you can imagine it, if you can think it, then it's already here. it's already happening now. all you have to do is live in the wish fulfilled until it shows up in your 3d. that was always how it was supposed to go.

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