17 | sp on a pedestal

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if you see yourself as less than someone else or that someone may be out of reach, then you probably have them on a pedestal that is way higher than you are.

you never want to have someone higher up on a pedestal than you are. you are the operant power and nobody has free will. why would you ever allow someone to be above you in your reality?

a lot of coaches used to tell you that you should not have your sp (or anyone) on a pedestal. some coaches would even tell you that your sp isn't shit until you make them something more than that. how does this make you feel?

personally, this does not make me feel good. if i love my sp and want to be with my sp in a healthy relationship, why would i ever see them as "not being shit" or less than me?

your sp being on a pedestal does not mean that you see yourself as less than them unless they are higher up than you. when i think of my sp, i like to think of them as being on the same pedestal as me. nothing less and nothing more. i see them as equal as me and not less. lots of people love to see their sp as less and love the idea of their sp worshipping them but if i'm being honest, this more than likely is coming from a place of lack, worry, and desperation. i've been there so i understand.

i no longer felt the need to wish my sp worshipped me or the ground i walk on. that's not something that appeals to me and it never did, but i was going through a lot at the beginning of my journey. coaches made me believe that this was the right way to go about getting them back. if you like the idea of your sp worshipping you, then that's your business but if you were to really think about it, i doubt it would be your true desire.

there is nothing wrong with having ur sp on the same pedestal as you are. does it make you feel better having them as less than you? how about more than you? remember that your sp is just you pushed out. so why would you ever allow them to be less or more than you? they should always be equal to you. this does not make them have power over you or have the same power as you. you are always going to be the operant power.

i want nothing more than a mutual, loving, happy relationship with my sp. i don't want my sp to be out of reach and i don't want my sp to worship me. so my sp will stay next to me on the pedestal.

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