14 | God state

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the God state. i see many people referring to it as so. but being God is not a state, as you are always God. how can it be a state when you can never stop being God?

there are many states that you can be in. whether that be the victimized state or the state of fulfillness. a state of having nothing or a state of having everything. a state of being unloved or a state of being loved by all. there are many states that can be occupied. of course, many of them are not favourable to us. but even those who have mastered manifestation have been in unfavourable states as such both before the knowing of manifesting and after. so don't beat yourself up being in such. it's a journey.

the state you are in determines what you are thinking throughout the day. so always watch what state you are in because it is what is going to manifest and continue to manifest if you don't change it. but even being in an unfavourable state should not make you feel worse or cause you to criticize yourself. would God worry about having a human reaction? no, of course not. God would comfort its human self because you are still human and these feelings can come about. and God wants to have this human experience.

when you do notice that you are not in a favourable state, the first thing you should do is assure yourself that it is okay and it did not mess up or delay your manifestation. the next thing you should do is pay attention to what it is you are thinking. why are you in this state? change your thoughts. you have such an amazing power. your thoughts create your reality and you are able to choose what thoughts you think! isn't it incredible? nobody except you can decide what you think. YOU are in full control. and only YOU can get in the way of yourself.

whenever i think of my sp, i always think about how much he loves me. and how i am in such an amazing relationship with him now. i think only positively about my sp and i and even when a negative thought pops up, i don't beat myself up over it. i examine this thought and then let it go. it can't hurt me if i don't let it. it can't affect me if i don't identify with it. i reassure myself that no, this is how it is. and with this, it automatically puts me in a state of love and having what i want. a state of being with my sp.

now what about the God state? is it important?

being and feeling like God is not a state. you are already God. you can't not be God. even when you're not aware of it, you are always God. when when you don't feel it like, you are always God.

this is important to understand. because even when you are in a victimized state, you are still God. once you realize that you are God/Goddess of your reality, what will you do with this knowledge? will you use it to your advantage? or will you ignore it and continue living as your human self? the choice is yours, as i am not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life. i am only here to tell you about your true self.

being God means that you are in full control of your reality and you make the rules. God knows there is nothing to worry about. God knows that everything they want is already theirs. God knows nothing can ever hurt them. and you are God. take control of this situation and step into your God self. your true self. and know that you are in total control.

once you actually realize that you are God then the doubt will easily melt away. you will have little to no doubt that what you want is yours because how can anything ever go against what God says? you stop worrying about circumstances so much because YOU ARE GOD. honestly once you really realize this, things become so much easier! for me i used to worry so much and focus too much on the 3d. i knew i was "God" but i didn't really believe it. the more i actually focused on this concept though, the less i worried. the more focus i put on my desires. because i am God of my reality (as you are of yours), so what can go wrong?

i also want to add that if you are christian, this does not go against your religion. if you have actually read the bible then you would know that the law is brought up,, more than once. if it makes you feel uncomfortable saying you are God, then simply say that God is within you. whatever makes you feel the best. much love

if you are not christian but still do not like using the term 'God' then that's okay too, just remind yourself that you're in control. that's all that matters. much much love

you are so powerful. look at you. (:

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