27 | signs and tests

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a/n: sorry it's been ab a month since i've updated. i will finish this book eventually i swear lmao. it's just that i always have something going on or something to do (work, friends, family, my love, mental health) and i'm never on this app anymore. but here's an update!


signs is a very complicated topic. i know that looking and or asking for signs can help you with reassurance. if you want to do that here and there, and it makes you feel better, go ahead. do you.

don't just try looking for signs all of the time though. the more you look for signs, the more you're only going to be manifesting signs. the more you're only going to be receiving signs. and the only reason you are getting said sign is because, again, you're manifesting it.

stop looking for signs all the time. we don't want signs, we want our manifestation. sure it can give you hope but you don't need it. you always know you're getting what it is you desire. looking for signs also gives the impression that you don't have what you want. as if you're "looking" for it or "waiting". don't do that.

and tests from the universe are just not real. the universe isn't going to test you to see if you want it bad enough or not. it's not going to make your sp do this to see how you react. or cause this and this to happen.

you create everything. there is no such thing as a test. it's just you. it's all you.

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