24 | blocks and resistance

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hey guys sorry i'm so slow with updating. i have work, been spending time with family, and i also am obviously focusing on myself and my desires. myself and my desires come first so); sorryyy. but anyway, you guys should be focusing on yourselves as well and not searching about the law all day, it's not good trust me. it's a habit to break but it's needed!

** be doers of the word, not hearers only **

also i know no one cares but i got surprised with tickets to see my favourite artists. super excitedlol

ALSO my insta is back up!! pls go follow, it would mean a lot to me. (it's in my bio) ty!

okay let's get into the chapter now lol


i don't know how many times i have been told by coaches that you need to find your blocks and get rid of them. you need to dig them up and deal with them.


for one, you searching for blocks is more than likely going to be you just creating more and more because you're searching for them. don't go creating more problems and distractions for yourself.

for two, you don't have any blocks unless you say you do! you have none. they don't exist. they only exist if you let them.

you don't have to dig up and get rid of your blocks. you have none. stop trying to give yourself blocks and please don't take advice from any coach that is telling you to do otherwise.

you may have a bit of resistance to what is happening around you and within you, though. the reason you will experience some resistance is because you are trying to change your state and the thoughts that you think about on a daily basis.

most of us are so used to being the victim in our reality that it's normal and comfortable for us. so when we try changing that, your ego may try to pull you back into your comfort zone.

you need to try your best to fight that and reassure yourself that everything is okay and under control. you need to continue with your mental diet no matter how much your mind tries to wander back into the negative.

the more you keep with your mental diet, the easier it will get and you will experience less resistance. and eventually, you will have none at all because your new state/way of thinking will feel natural to you.

don't ever give up just because it's a bit difficult in the beginning. that's normal but you can get through it and i promise that it's worth it!

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