10 | affirmations

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technique #2

please remember that the technique does not manifest, you do. they are only here to assist you

a technique for those of you who cannot visualize. yes if you can visualize you can use both. or if you just prefer this one, that's okay too.

affirmations can be used as a technique but at the same time are not a technique.

affirmations are just your thoughts. your inner conversations. whenever you think, you're affirming. whenever you speak about circumstances, you're affirming.


during SATS, choose one sentence (or multiple) that implies you having your desire, and repeat it over and over in your head (or aloud if you prefer) until you either fall asleep or until it feels natural. natural as in, yes this is my reality.

throughout the day you can also, with your one to however many sentences you have chosen (max four advised), repeat them on a loop whenever your desire pops up. or whenever you have time to freely think. you can also say them aloud if you desire (i do both). you do not have to affirm 24/7

the affirmations (sentences) do not matter, choose whatever feels best for you. please do not ask for affirmations or use someone else's affirmations if they do not feel natural for you. any sentence(s) will work as long as you know what it is implying. don't overthink it!

when you are affirming, you should not be doing it like a parrot or a robot. that's not the point. you must focus on what you are affirming and feel it. feel it as real and happening now. you cannot affirm while thinking of something else at the same time. you have to focus on your affirmations. if they don't feel right, then change them.

you can go specific with affirmations about your desire and or general. i do both, depending on how i am feeling. i use general affirmations more for whenever i'm feeling down just to get myself back on track.


specific affirmations-
i am in an amazing relationship with my sp (use their name in place of 'my sp')
my business is booming
i love my new car

general affirmations-
i always get what i want
i am a master at manifesting
i am love
i am chosen

i hope this helps! i used to put so much pressure on myself with affirmations and thought, if i don't affirm enough then my manifestation won't come. not true! don't make the mistake i did. now, i don't even put pressure on myself to affirm my sentences. i just allow myself to think about my desire and make sure my inner conversations match my new story. because the techniques do not matter. but it can help so i don't discourage of course. just don't put too much pressure on them.

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